Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> Sri Lanka > <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>Regulations <strong>and</strong> subsequentMinutes <strong>of</strong> Secretaries, pleasenote that the Minutes <strong>of</strong>Secretaries will prevail.• Secretaries are urged tointroduce/improve systems <strong>and</strong>procedures so that there would beeffective supervision <strong>and</strong> controlover the financial administration,procurement management, projectimplementation <strong>and</strong> management<strong>of</strong> related institutions.• In order to ensure adequacy<strong>of</strong> internal controls <strong>and</strong> also toprevent/detect errors, omissions<strong>and</strong>/or frauds, it is necessary toestablish Internal Audit Units asenvisaged in FR 133. Availableresources should be mobilizedas may be suitable to strengthenInternal Audit Units. In order toensure effective functioning <strong>of</strong>the Internal Audit Mechanism,separate Internal Audit Unitsshould be established for all largeDepartments <strong>and</strong> Institutions,while the General Internal AuditUnit <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong> should havethe internal auditing m<strong>and</strong>ateover all remainder Departments<strong>and</strong> Institutions. They shouldbe required to submit periodicreports, at least on a quarterlybasis.• Secretaries are urged tointroduce/improve an earlywarning system relating t<strong>of</strong>inancial controls as it wouldhelp to ensure proper conduct<strong>of</strong> government finance. Hence,observations <strong>of</strong> Internal AuditUnits as well as observations <strong>of</strong>the Auditor General should bereviewed at regular intervals <strong>and</strong>responses should be suitablysubmitted while immediatemeasures should be taken toremedy the situations. The AuditCommittees’ <strong>Report</strong>s should bereviewed at least on a quarterlybasis at staff meetings, so asto ensure transparency <strong>and</strong>accountability.• With regard to the Programmes<strong>and</strong> Projects being implementedunder various fundingarrangements, the relevantManagement Circular shouldbe strictly adhered with.Appropriate managementarrangements (i.e. SteeringCommittees etc.) should bein place so that the requiredmanagement capabilitiescould be streamlined to ensureeffectiveness <strong>and</strong> sustainability.Such Programmes/Projectsshould be implemented on timewhile effectively utilizing theallocated amounts to achievethe best output in line with therelated implementation goals.An effective mechanism shouldbe put in place to sustain, postmonitor as may be necessary, theoutcome <strong>of</strong> such Programmes/Projects.• It is important to maintain <strong>and</strong>update inventories with regardto all assets, including vehicles,computers, communicationequipment, <strong>and</strong> furniture etc.,provided through Governmentfunds, Programmes/Projectfunds, <strong>and</strong> donations so asto ensure that the <strong>Ministry</strong> isin a position to account forsuch assets in the GovernmentAccounts.• Corporate Plans, ActionPlans, <strong>Annual</strong> Accounts <strong>and</strong>Performance <strong>Report</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>and</strong> related institutions,as may be appropriate, should besubmitted to the Parliament, in atimely manner.• Special attention should bepaid to the observations<strong>of</strong> the Auditor General, theCommittee on Public Accounts(COPA) <strong>and</strong> the Committeeon Public Enterprises (COPE).While the minutes <strong>of</strong> themeetings <strong>of</strong> the COPA <strong>and</strong>COPE contain observations/directives to be complied with,the reports submitted by suchCommittees to the Parliamentcontain recommendationsto be implemented by therelevant line <strong>Ministry</strong>, orthe relevant institutionpertaining to accounting <strong>and</strong>other deficiencies, reportingdelays, system weaknesses,inadequacies etc. Appropriateactions as well as remedialmeasures should be takenwithout delay.• An assessment <strong>of</strong> the internalcapacity <strong>of</strong> each <strong>Ministry</strong>should be made by theSecretary <strong>and</strong> appropriatemeasures should be taken tohave in place sufficient skills<strong>and</strong> human resources requiredto assist to carry out the tasksthat a Secretary is entrustedwith, as the Chief AccountingOfficer.• Secretaries are requested tobe mindful inter alia <strong>of</strong> thefollowing when awardingtenders, so as to ensure thattenders are awarded in a timelymanner while safeguarding thenational interest.a. The least cost which bringsmaximum benefit to theGovernment.b. Optimum economicadvantage to the nation.c. Maximum income inthe disposal <strong>of</strong> assetsor in granting <strong>of</strong> rights,concessions or exclusivebenefits.• The recent decisions takenby the Cabinet <strong>of</strong> Ministers inrelation to the Tender Process,including the process to befollowed regarding unsolicitedor st<strong>and</strong> alone developmentproposals, relating to which aSt<strong>and</strong>ing Cabinet AppointedReview Committee (SCARC)has been appointed should becomplied with.195

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