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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>QUESTION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>KAZAKHSTAN’S</strong> <strong>HISTORY</strong> 125<br />

Zautis reported from the USSR Academy of Sciences, and S. İsmailov,<br />

professors of history D. A. Baysov, A. P. Kauçkina, A. N. Bernştam, A.<br />

F. Miller, M. P. Vyatkin, Doctor of Law S. L. Fuks, Doctor of Philology<br />

B. Kenjebaev, the Artist N. T. Timofeyev, and candidates of doctor of<br />

historical sciences A. F. Yakunin, A. A. Lurye, and E. Bekmakhanov joined<br />

together to prepare the book. Famous researchers from Leningrad<br />

to Moscow, and a small number of local researchers, together wrote<br />

the history book from the ancient era to contemporary Kazakhstan<br />

in 1943. 206 The reason why so few local scientists were included was<br />

that there only a few were known and some were exiled by the Soviet<br />

government in 1937-38 and forbidden to return and many were<br />

fighting at various fronts during the war.<br />

Bekmakhanov was in his twenties and had the ability for scientific<br />

research. As a specialist, he helped the preeminent scholar of his time,<br />

A. M. Pankratova. Despite the strict scrutiny received, the book was<br />

critical as it related to the historical facts. According to some Kazakh<br />

historians, during the book’s preparation process an argument about<br />

the national struggle was released against the tsarist imperialist policy.<br />

Bekmakhanov was commisioned to write about the 1837-1847 rebellion<br />

under the leadership of Kenesarı Kasımov. This was his research<br />

paper’s topic and accepted as the right person to undertake such a<br />

study. 207 Bekmakhanov could not ignore the historical facts. He was<br />

aware of the imperial exploitation and occupation policies explained<br />

the reason behind the national struggle contributed to the Kazakh<br />

population’s uprising. Kazakhs opposed the regime’s imperialistic<br />

policies and that is why they supported Kenesarı’s rebellion, which<br />

became Bekmakhanov’s argument in the monograph in his subsequent<br />

works. However, this argument revealed Bekmakhanov as a bourgeois<br />

nationalist and it stirred great debates about the subject.<br />

Bekmakhanov started his education in the Tambov Higher, but later<br />

registered in Voronezh Pedagogical Institute, where he met with<br />

Halel Dosmuhamedov who was exiled from Kazakhstan to Voronezh<br />

and was one of the leaders of Alash National Movement. 208 It seems<br />

clear that Bekmakhanov’s meeting with H. Dosmuhammedov was<br />

the starting point for him to investigate the Kenesarı incident and<br />

to become a historian. Professor H. Dosmuhamedov produced a lot<br />

206 Nurpeyisulu, K. “Tarihi Şındıktan Attap Öte Almagan”, Egemen Kazakistan, 8 April 1999;<br />

İstoriya Kazahskoy SSR s Drevneyshikh Vremen Do Nashikh Dney, Editor. M. Abdıhalıkova<br />

ve A.Pankratova. A-A, KazOGİZ, 1943. -671.<br />

207 . Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlık Arşivi. 141.fon, 1.liste, 1043 madde, 1 b.<br />

208 KazUU Habarşısı. Tarih serisi, 2004. No2 (25). P. 6.

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