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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>QUESTION</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>KAZAKHSTAN’S</strong> <strong>HISTORY</strong> 153<br />

brotherhood by trying to make hostility that happened in the past<br />

be forgotten.<br />

Emphasizing of Russia’s Occupation of Kazakhstan as Progressive<br />

Process<br />

One of the destructions that was done by Soviet government to<br />

consolidate Soviet brotherhood was the attempt of emphasizing Russian<br />

occupation as progressive starting from the tsardom period. This method<br />

was also tried with culture policies in tsardom period. In the State<br />

Newspaper of Dala which were published for Kazakhs who lived in the<br />

Step State of Tsarist Russia, tried to lighten the reactions of Kazakhs<br />

against occupation via repression by emphasizing social and economic<br />

progress that came together with Russia’s occupation of Kazakhstan.<br />

In the Soviet period in historical works occupation of Tsardom was<br />

shown as a progressive development for local people. A paper published<br />

in 1948 talked about that “Kazakhs voluntarily wanted Russia’s<br />

annexation of Kazakhstan and progressive way of annexation”. From<br />

1950’s after this theory was ratiocinated by general assembly it became<br />

a view of regime of Soviet government. In Mart 1951 in Tashkent was<br />

organized a conference under the title “The National Character in the<br />

Colonial Revolution in the Central Asia and Kazakhstan”. At conference<br />

these thesis were followed: “The only developing way of Central Asia<br />

and Kazakhstan was the uniting with Russia. All national struggles<br />

were reactionary. Because, their aim was to separate from Russia.<br />

However, these struggles also had insurgent and progressive-minded<br />

ways. Because they worked against the regime.” 259<br />

Ermukhan Bekmakhanov’s work on “Kazakhstan in the Years of<br />

1920’s – 1940’s” started discussions to formalize Russia’s annexation<br />

of Kazakhistan as a progressive in 1947. On 23 rd December 1951 in<br />

Pravda newspapers, the issues of national struggle, especially struggles<br />

in a guidance of Sultan Kenesary, in Bekmakhanov’s book and<br />

representing it as a national war of independence took very heavy<br />

critics. In all Soviet papers, after these critics in Pravda, Kenesari was<br />

started to be shown as a reactionary and enemy of own nation. And<br />

not just Kenesari, all freedom struggles in Turkestan against Russian<br />

occupation went to reevaluation process. 260<br />

Soviet historians’ this point of view expressed like: “A lot of positive<br />

reforms are done in Kazakhstan under Tsar Administration. Tsadom<br />

government gave a lot of exemptions and prerogatives to Russian<br />

259 Hayit, Sovyetler Birliğinde Türklüğün ve İslam’ın Bazı Meseleleri, p.142.<br />

260 Poppe, N. N., “Harpten Sonraki Devirde Sovyetlerin Türkistan’daki İdeolojik Siyaseti”<br />

Dergi, 5/17, 1959, pp. 6-8.

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