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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>SOVIET</strong> <strong>HISTORIOGRAPHY</strong> <strong>AND</strong><br />

Prohibitions on foreign scientific relations continued in different ways<br />

until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Historians were mainly sent<br />

to Socialist countries and scientists were invited from these countries.<br />

Numerous foreign publications, which were opposed to Soviet<br />

ideology, were provided to the most famous of scientists to supply<br />

the appropriate criticisms.<br />

When historians received an official invitation to go abroad, it was<br />

necessary to discuss it with representatives of communist party and<br />

with the officials of the organization. In fact, such discussions would<br />

take place in the Central Committee of Communist Party.<br />

In this regard, the experience that Soviet historian Tarle 319 had is<br />

interesting. “Professor of history sciences E.V. Tarle was invited to<br />

the Sorbonne University in France to teach students. In order to get<br />

permission for this work, Tarle wrote a letter to the Head of the Soviet<br />

National Commissariat V. M. Molotov. Molotov asked the Ministry of<br />

Education about Tarle’s personality. The answer was:<br />

«Confidential,<br />

Personally to Molotov<br />

I do not find it appropriate for E. V. Tarle to be allowed to work at<br />

the Sorbonne University. In my point of view, this man is dangerous and<br />

he conceals his political identity. According to my estimations he is not<br />

even a real Marxist. I talked about it to The National Commissariat of<br />

Internal Affairs (NKVD) and to the governing body of the University. Both<br />

of them think that Pr. Tarle shouldn’t go abroad». Bubnov<br />

In 10 September 1935, Tarle’s invitation was discussed at the meeting<br />

of the Central Committee of the SBKP. The decision was: «To postpone<br />

the visit of Pr. Tarle in Paris» 320 .<br />

In the USSR, visits abroad by scientists were generally controlled,<br />

planned, and organized by Moscow. They were taught specific measures<br />

Феномен Kaпицa”, Социaлные и гумaнитaрные нaуки. Отечественнaя и<br />

зaрубежнaялитерaтурa. Реферaтиный журнaл, Нaуковедение.Серия 8,<br />

Moscow, 1997. p. 108.<br />

319 Prof. Tarle is one of old generation historians of USSR. He was a member of<br />

department of political sciences of Columbia Academia in US, member of three<br />

important french community, member of associaton of Soviet Friends in France,<br />

deputy director of Associaton of English-Soviet Culturel Approaches and<br />

had contacts with important historical journals in US. See: Кaгaнович, В. С., “К<br />

биогрaфии Е. В. Taрле (конец 20-х-нaчaло 30-х гг.)”, Отечественнaя история,<br />

Moscow, 1993, No. 4, pp. 84-99.<br />

320 Есaков, В. Д., “Триписьмa Е. В. Тaрлевождям (1934-1938 гг.)”,<br />

Отечественнaя история, Moscow, 1999. No. 6, p. 109.

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