UWE Bristol Engineering showcase 2015

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Lee Paplauskas<br />

BEng Robotics (Hons)<br />

Project Supervisor<br />

Prof. Alan Winfield<br />

Interaction between Multiple Robots with Self-Simulation<br />

The Future!<br />

Robots, and Artificial Intelligence are become much more prevalent<br />

in our culture. Whether something as basic as an algorithm to<br />

recommend TV shows, or a fridge with twitter to let you know<br />

when you're out of milk, right through to a car which can drive<br />

itself, at the push of a button, its all there.<br />

As a result of this, the machines, or robots, we make, need to be<br />

made safer. There is only so much that can be done to make their<br />

processes safer, using current methods, such as putting proximity<br />

sensors on, or limiting their speed. What if, instead of limiting<br />

them, to make them safer, we gave them a way of predicting if<br />

something they were about to do was dangerous? Why stop at that<br />

though? Why not even go as far as to make the machines protect<br />

us from dangers, outright?<br />

The Three Laws of Robotics<br />

Isaac Asimov wrote, in his short stories about “Positronic” or<br />

emotional robotics, of “The Three Laws of Robotics”. These laws<br />

are ingrained into every robot's “Positronic Brain” and were<br />

designed to protect a human, and make sure robots were<br />

subservient.<br />

LAW 1:<br />

A robot must never harm a human being, or, through inaction,<br />

allow a human being to come to harm.<br />

LAW 2:<br />

A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except<br />

where such orders would conflict with the First Law.<br />

LAW 3:<br />

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection<br />

does not conflict with the First of Second Law.<br />

By implementing these laws, the robots created in his stories, were<br />

a lot safer than they would have been otherwise, and as a result,<br />

could function more efficiently. Asimov's stories do, however,<br />

explore the results of his robots being purely logical machines – at<br />

the end of the day – and taking the orders they are given very<br />

literally.<br />

Towards an Ethical Robot<br />

Steps have been made to attempt to implement something similar<br />

to Asimov's Three Laws into robots to date. Professor Alan Winfield,<br />

Christian Blum, and Wenguo Liu have performed the “Ethical<br />

Robot” experiment. This experiment involves the use of a<br />

“Consequence Engine” that is programmed into one of the robots,<br />

to predict the movements of the other actors (in the case of the<br />

experiment, other robots) and map them on an internal simulation.<br />

It would then simulate various possible movements, and choose<br />

the 'best' solution in order to keep itself, and the other actors safe.<br />

[Figure 1.0] The Ethical Robot Experiment<br />

Extending the Ethical Robot<br />

My report contains the details of expanding the ethical robot's<br />

Consequence Engine from a single 'Smart Robot' unit, to multiple<br />

platforms.<br />

Each robot with the Consequence Engine will be able to simulate<br />

the entire environment, and each actor, meaning they would be<br />

able to predict movements, and, assuming the environment<br />

contains 'DangerZones' they would be able to protect the other<br />

actors in the environment.<br />

The Consequence Engine<br />

As the robot is not designed specifically to save the other actors,<br />

the Consequence Engine is designed as a secondary process that<br />

runs constantly, but doesn't effect the main operation of the robot,<br />

unless necessary. The primary operation of the robots, in these set<br />

of experiments, is to get from A, to B.<br />

As it is navigating the environment to get to the end location, it will<br />

simulate the actions of the other actors, and if one of them was<br />

headed towards a 'DangerZone' then the robot would move to<br />

intercept, altering the actor's course away from the danger.<br />

[Figure 2.0] An Example of the Consequence Engine<br />

The processing of the Consequence Engine predicts multiple<br />

paths in the environment, and then chooses the 'best' of<br />

these. The Red lines in Figure 2.0 are the predicted paths of<br />

the Consequence engine.<br />

The Corridor Experiment<br />

In order for the multiple Consequence Engine code to be<br />

tested, a series of updated experiments needed to be<br />

implemented. Below is a brief overview of the proposed<br />

experiments:<br />

1) The Corridor Experiment: By placing two 'Smart' robots at<br />

opposing ends of a narrow corridor, we can set them going,<br />

and see how they will interact. Their main goal will be to<br />

reach the opposing end of the corridor, and there will not be<br />

any 'dumb' robots to save.<br />

[Figure 3.0] The Corridor Experiment Setup<br />

2) The Ethical Robots: Repeating the Ethical Robot<br />

experiment, but increasing the number of 'Smart' robots,<br />

would mean that the Consequence Engine would be fully<br />

tested in a situation that is likely to commonly arise.<br />

Recommendations for Further Work<br />

Unfortunatly, the scope of my project focused only on the<br />

software side of these experiments. As a result, the Epuck<br />

robots – which were modified with a Linux board extension –<br />

happened to not be powerful enough to run the internal<br />

simulations. The laptop that the code was originally ran on<br />

was not powerful enough to run two instances of this code.<br />

As a result, I have decided to recommend some further work<br />

on the hardware of the Epuck extension board.<br />

These recommendations are as follows:<br />

- Update the Linux extension board, increasing the<br />

processing power available on each Epuck robot, to re-run<br />

this experiment.<br />

- Alternatively, look into alternative methods of processing<br />

the Internal simulations for the robots.<br />

Project Summary<br />

The aim of this project will be to extend existing work on<br />

robots with internal models – i.e. robots with a simulation<br />

of themselves, other robots, and their environment –<br />

inside of themselves. The first step will be to extend an<br />

existing implementation from a single, to multiple robots.<br />

When this has been tested and proven to work, I will then<br />

conduct a series of experiments to show how multiple<br />

robots interacting could behave more safely, or ethically,<br />

than robots without self-simulation.<br />

Project Objectives<br />

• Replicate the 'ethical robot' experiment, and observe<br />

the robots motions, to see where improvement, or<br />

modification can be made.<br />

• Re-write, or modify the code, to allow experimentation<br />

to be taken onto multiple smart robot platforms.<br />

• Run several different experiments, initially in<br />

simulation, then in reality, to a) prove the modified<br />

code runs as desired, and b) to observe the results, and<br />

draw conclusions from there.<br />

Project Conclusion<br />

While it has not been possible to complete the main<br />

experimentation, two of the three main objectives have<br />

been completed. When initially replicating the “Ethical<br />

robot” experiment, we were able to get it running<br />

smoothly, and were able to them use the information<br />

from that to produce the modified code, to be exported<br />

onto each individual platform. What was not expected,<br />

however, was the vast amount of computational power<br />

required to perform this operation – looking back though,<br />

it should have been expected – and the inability to run<br />

multiple instances of the code in parallel, on the current<br />

hardware.<br />

In its current state it has been proven that the<br />

Consequence Engine is capable of:<br />

• Tracking actors in an environment and judging their<br />

'safety' based on preset 'dangerzones'.<br />

• Avoiding Obstacles within the environment, whether<br />

mobile, or static.<br />

• Navigating an environment, and reacting to other<br />

actors' safety, even moving to prevent them from being<br />

in danger.

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