Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

ferruginus: L. ferruginus, rust-colored, dun. Brachycephalus ferruginus Alves

et al., 2006. (“... The name is used in allusion to the frog’s dorsal reddish-brown

irregular markings ...”).

fiebrigi: Fiebrig + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Karl August Gustav Fiebrig (1869-1951), German biologist,

active in Paraguay and Argentina. Hyla fiebrigi Ahl, 1927. In the synonymy

of Scinax acuminatus.

fimbriata: L. fimbria, border, edge. Phrynomedusa fimbriata Miranda-Ribeiro,

1923. (“... uma fimbria branca percorre os beiços e antebraço e dedo externo

...”). Also Phyllomedusa fimbriata — Funkhouser, 1957.

fissilis: L. fissilis, easily split; split. It probably alludes to the need to separate this

species into a different genus from those then recognized. Coelonotus fissilis

Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920. (“... O genero Nototrema, não póde evidentemente

conter estas duas especies conjunctamente, como tambem não póde

considerar as N. sensu strictu, N. fissilis e a especie de Boettger ...”). Also

Nototheca fissilis — Bokermann, 1950. Flectonotus fissilis — Bokermann,

1966. Today Fritziana fissilis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920).

fissipes: L. fissus, split, cleave, divide; + L. pes, foot. Nototrema fissipes Boulenger,

1888. (“... Fingers free, first longest and opposable to the others; toes short,

with a very slight rudiment of web ...”). Also Opisthodelphis fissipes — Miranda-Ribeiro,

1926. Gastrotheca fissipes — Gorham, 1963. Gastrotheca

(Opisthodelphys) fissipes — Dubois, 1987 “1986. Gastrotheca (Eotheca)

fissipes — Duellman, 2015. Today Eotheca fissipes (Boulenger, 1888).

flamma: L. flamma, flame, blaze. Gastrotheca flamma Juncá & Nunes, 2008. (“...

The specific epithet flamma ... is a Latin substantive used in allusion to the

color pattern, which resemble “fire” ...”). Also Gastrotheca (Eotheca) flamma

— Duellman, 2015. Today Eotheca flamma (Juncá & Nunes, 2008).

flavescens: L. flavescens, become/turn yellow. Atelopus flavescens Duméril & Bibron,

1841. (“... Parties supérieures jaunâtres, tachetées de brun fauve ...”).

Also Phryniscus flavescens — Boulenger, 1882.


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