Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

brevipollicatus Jiménez de la Espada, 1870. (3) Hyla lutzi Melin, 1941. In

the synonymy of Scinax garbei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926). (4) Iliodiscus lutzi

Miranda-Ribeiro, 1929. In the synonymy of Cycloramphus fuliginosus

Tschudi, 1838. (5) Paratelmatobius lutzii B. Lutz & Carvalho, 1958. (6)

Thoropa lutzi Cochran, 1938. Also Eupsophus lutzi — Myers, 1946.

lutzorum: Lutz + L. -orum, genitive plural of the second declension. Honouring

Adolpho and Bertha Lutz, Brazilian herpetologists (see). (1) Aplastodiscus

lutzorum Berneck et al., 2017. (2) Cochranella lutzorum Taylor & Cochran,

1953. Also Centrolenella lutzorum — Duellman, 1977. In the synonymy

of Vitreorana uranoscopa (Müller, 1924). (3) Crossodactylus lutzorum

Carcerelli & Caramaschi, 1993. (4) Cycloramphus lutzorum Heyer, 1983.

(5) Scinax lutzorum Woitovicz-Cardoso & Pombal, 2010. In the synonymy

of Scinax fuscomarginatus (A. Lutz, 1925).

Lysapsus: Unclear. Probably G. lysis (λύσις), release, freeing + G. saphes (σαφές),

distinct. Lysapsus Cope, 1862. (“... This genus is related to Litoria, but differs

from it, and from most, if not all, other genera of Opisthoglossa platydactyla,

in the freedom of the basal phalanx of the external digit ...”). Same

root in Lisapsus — Steindachner, 1867 (incorrect subsequent spelling).

Lystris: G. lytron (λυτρών), paddles. Lystris Cope, 1869 “1868”. (“... same group

as Pleurodema, differing only from that genus in the presence of two strong

shovel-like metatarsals, as in the genus Systoma ...”). In the synonymy of

Pleurodema Tschudi, 1838.

macero: M. macero, frog. Epipedobates macero Rodríguez & Myers, 1993. (“...

The species name macero, a noun in apposition, is the Machiguenga Indian

word for “frog.” The Machiguenga are one of the indigenous tribes of

the Rio Manu region ...”). Today Ameerega macero (Rodriguez & Myers,


machadoi: Machado + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Ângelo Barbosa Monteiro Machado (1934-2020), Brazilian

entomologist. (1) Dendrobates machadoi Bokermann, 1958. In the

synonymy of Dendrobates tinctorius (Cuvier, 1797). (2) Hyla machadoi

Bokermann & Sazima, 1973. Also Ololygon machadoi — Duellman et al.,

2016. Today Scinax machadoi (Bokermann & Sazima, 1973).


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