Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

Thoropa: Indeterminate. As is often the case, Cope gave no indication of the origin

of the name, which is contained in a key to the genera of the family Hylidae.

Etymologically it can be derived (improbably) from G. thoros (θορός), semen,

or, with a little more sense, from G. thóryvos (θόρυβος), in the sense

of “uproar, clamour, rowdiness, din”, and also “commotion, turmoil”. This

last meaning could be linked to the fact that the first individual of its type

species (Cystignathus missiessii Eydoux & Souleyet, 1842) was collected

in a noisy waterfall in Tijuca. (“... Ce Cystignathe provient de la cascade de

Tijouka, aux environs de Rio Janeiro ...”). Thoropa Cope, 1865.

tibiatrix: L. tibia, flute, reed-pipe, double oboe (equivalent to the Greek aulos; see

Auletris). Hyla tibiatrix Laurenti, 1768. (“... Mas coaxans utroque in latere

colli vesicam, tibiae instar, inflat ...”). Also Auletris tibiatrix — Wagler,

1830. Dendrohyas tibiatrix — Tschudi, 1838. Hyla tibiatrix tibiatrix —

Rivero, 1961. Same root in Calamita tibicen Merrem, 1820. In the synonymy

of Trachycephalus typhonius (Linnaeus, 1758).

tigrinus: L. tigrinus, tigerlike. Scinax tigrinus Nunes et al., 2010. (“... in allusion

to the color pattern of the thighs ...”).

timbeba: T. timbeba, flattened nose. (“... o nome é dado em alusão ao focinho curto

e truncado desta nova espécie ...”). Hyla timbeba Martins & Cardoso,

1987. Today Dendropsophus timbeba (Martins & Cardoso, 1987).

timbo: P. [Serra do] Timbó, in turn from T. timbo, leguminous or sapindaceous

plants whose roots and/or bark can be used to make the tingui, which is

widely used in fishing. Phasmahyla timbo Cruz et al., 2008. [“... The specific

name, a noun in apposition, refers to the type locality, Serra do Timbó

(13°04’S, 39°38’W, 800 m altitude), Municipality of Amargosa, State of

Bahia, Brazil ...”].

timbuhy: P. [Núcleo] Timbuy, place in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil; from

T. timbuhy, originated in T. timbó-y, river of timbós (alluding to diverse

species of trees with this vernacular name, including Magonia pubescens,

Ateleia glazioviana, Enterolobium contortisiliquum, etc.). Crossodactylus

timbuhy Pimenta et al., 2014. (“... refers to the locality which later became

the town of Santa Teresa: the nucleus of Timbuhy, Colony of Santa

Leopoldina, established by Italian immigrants in 1874 ...”).


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