Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

pardalis: L. pardus, leopard + L. -alis, pertaining to a, in a condition of. Hyla

pardalis Spix, 1824. (“... hypochondriis femoribusque nigro-fasciatis ...”).

Also Hypsiboas pardalis — Cope, 1867. Today Boana pardalis (Spix, 1824).

parecis: Ar. (?) Parecis, native Brazilians established in the state of Mato Grosso,

Brazil, self-denominated Haliti (person or people). Rhinella parecis Ávila

et al., 2020. (“... The specific name parecis ... refers to the Chapada dos

Parecis, a plateau occupying large portions of the Brazilian states of Mato

Grosso and Rondônia, Brazil ...”).

parkeri: Parker + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and nouns.

Honouring Hampton Wildman Parker (1897-1968), British herpetologist.

(1) Hyla parkeri Gaige, 1929. Also Ololygon parkeri — Fouquette & Delahoussaye,

1977. Scinax parkeri — Duellman & Wiens, 1992. In the synonymy

of Scinax fuscomarginatus (A. Lutz, 1925). (2) Hyla Parkeri De Witte,

1930. The same root in Hyla parkeriana De Witte, 1930 (replacement name

for Hyla parkeri De Witte, 1930, preoccupied by Hyla parkeri Gaige, 1929).

In the synonymy of Alainia fulvorufa (Andersson, 1911). (3) Hypopachus

parkeri Wettstein, 1934. Today Stereocyclops parkeri (Wettstein, 1934).

parnaiba: P. Parnaiba [a. k. a. Velho Monge], river that forms the border of the

states of Maranhão and Piauí, Brazil (in turn, from T. paranã-ayba, the big,

bad, or impractical flow). Pseudopaludicola parnaiba Roberto et al., 2013.

(“... The specific epithet parnaiba refers to the Parnaíba River, an allusion

to the habitat of the species, which occurs along the banks of this river ...”).

In the synonymy of Pseudopaludicola canga Giaretta & Kokubum, 2003.

parnaso: P. PARNASO, acronym for Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (Rio de

Janeiro, Brazil). Ischnocnema parnaso Taucce et al., 2018. [“... The name

“PARNASO” is the abbreviation for Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos

(Serra dos Órgãos National Park), type locality of the species ...”].

parva: L. parva, small, little. Hylodes parvus Girard, 1853. [In the redesccription

of 1858, Girard noted “... The body is comparatively short, not quite

the two-thirds of the length, the head included. The limbs are slender; the

fingers and toes slender also, and terminated by comparatively small disks

...”]. Also Eleutherodactylus parvus — Stejneger, 1904. Today Ischnocnema

parva (Girard, 1853).


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