Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

proboscidea, proboscideus: L. proboscis, trunk, proboscis, snout + L. -idea,

-ideus, suffix indicating that are or have the form of. (1) Phryniscus proboscideus

Boulenger, 1882. (“... snout much produced beyond the lip, truncate

...”). Also Atelopus proboscideus — Boulenger, 1894. Dendrophryniscus

proboscideus — McDiarmid, 1971. Rhamphophryne proboscidea — Izecksohn,

1976. Rhinella proboscidea — Chaparro et al., 2007. Today Dendrophryniscus

proboscideus (Boulenger, 1882). (2) Bufo (Oxyrhynchus)

proboscideus Spix, 1824. (“... rostro proboscideo, longe prominente ...”).

Also Oxyrhynchus proboscideus — Fitzinger, 1826. Rhinella proboscidea

— Fitzinger, 1826. Bufo (Rhinella) proboscideus — Cuvier, 1829. Eurhina

proboscideus — Fitzinger, 1843. Oxyrhynchus proboscideus — Jiménez de

la Espada, 1875. Bufo proboscideus — Hoogmoed, 1986. Today Rhinella

proboscidea (Spix, 1824). (3) Hyla proboscidea Brongersma, 1933. (“... In

der herpetologischen Sammlung des Zoologischen Museums in Amsterdam

fand ich eine Laubfroschart der Gattung Hyla, welche sich als neu erwies.

Von allen mir aus der Literatur bekannt gewordenen neotropischen

Hyla-Arten unterscheidet sie sich durch die rüsselartige Verlängerung des

Vorderkopfes ... Wegen dieses merkwürdigen Merkmals nenne ich die neue

Art: Hyla proboscidea nov. spec. ...”). Also Ololygon proboscidea — Fouquette

& Delahoussaye, 1977. Scinax proboscidea — Duellman & Wiens,

1992. Today Scinax proboscideus (Brongersma, 1933).

Proceratophrys: L. pro-, like + L. Ceratophrys, genus of anurans due to

Wied-Neuwied (1824) (see). Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920. (“...

caracterizada pela dilatação ossea post-tympanica e pela palpebra espiculada,

sem apendice ceratoide unico ...”).

prognathus: G. pro- (προ-), in front of, ahead of + G. gnathos (γνάθος), jaw. Leptodactylus

prognathus Boulenger, 1888. (“... Snout depressed, acuminate,

very prominent ...”). In the synonymy of Leptodactylus latinasus Jiménez

de la Espada, 1875.

Prostherapis: G. prósthesi (πρόσθεση), addition; an artificial replacement for a

body part, either internal or external + G. rapis (ῥαπίς, spelling variation

for κρηπίς), a kind of shoe; man's high boot. Prostherapis Cope, 1868. (“...

dilatations strong, each with two dermal scales on the upper side, separat-


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