Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

apêndices palpebrais longos e um pequeno apêndice anterior no lábio superior,

distinguindo-se de P. appendiculata e P. boiei principalmente pela

maior largura da cabeça ...”).

latinasus: L. latus, wide, broad; spacious, extensive + L. nasus, nose. Leptodactylus

latinasus Jiménez de la Espada, 1875. (“... contorno maxilar saliente,

avanzado sobre la abertura de la boca, inferior en casi toda su extensión, y

particularmente en el hocico, cuya punta es cónica y encorvada hacia abajo

...”). Also Leptodactylus latinasus latinasus — Cei, 1980.

latistriata: L. latus, wide, broad; spacious, extensive + L. striata, provided with

channels; grooves; wrinkles. Hyla latistriata Caramaschi & Cruz, 2004.

[“...O nome da espécie é composto por dois adjetivos latinos, latus, largo, e

striatus, listrado ou estriado, em alusão às largas faixas que compõem seu

padrão de colorido dorsal...”]. Also Hypsiboas latistriatus — Faivovich et

al. (2005). In the synonymy of Boana polytaenia (Cope, 1870).

latrans: L. latrare, bark, bark at. Rana latrans Steffen, 1815. [(?) “... Ranae latrantis

descriptio ... Rana latrans a cel. Tilesio in Brasilia detecta est ...”]. Also

Leptodactylos latrans — Lavilla et al., 2010 (error typographicus). Today

Leptodactylus latrans (Steffen, 1815).

latro: L. latro, robber, brigand, bandit; plunderer. Pristimantis latro Oliveira et

al., 2017. (“... refers to the common name generally attributed to the species

of Pristimantis - “Robber Frogs” - that exhibit a dark band on the snout,

creating the illusion of a robber’s mask ...”).

laurae: Laura + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine names and nouns.

Honouring Laura Miriam Heyer, W. Ronald Heyer’s daughter. Leptodactylus

laurae Heyer, 1978. In the synonymy of Leptodactylus furnarius

Sazima & Bokermann, 1978.

lauramiriamae: Laura Miriam + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine

names and nouns. Honouring Laura Miriam Heyer, W. Ronald Heyer’s

daughter. Leptodactylus lauramiriamae Heyer & Crombie, 2005. (“... The

species is named for Laura Miriam Heyer, daughter of WRH. Laura previously

had a species of Leptodactylus named for her, which had to be placed

in the synonymy of L. furnarius ...”).


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