Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

limited by the elongated dorsolateral glands “... zwei bis sechs erhabene

drüsige, mehr oder minder deutlich ausgeprägte Längenfalten auf der

Oberseite des Körpers ...”). Also Physolaemus ephippiger Jan, 1857 (nomen

nudum). Gomphobates ephippifer — Günther, 1865. Today Physalaemus

ephippifer (Steindachner, 1864).

Ephippipher: L. ephippium, pad saddle, horse blanket (to ride on), from G. ephíppios

(έφ-ίππιος), (of a cloth) for a horse’s back. Ephippipher Cocteau, 1835.

(?). Also Ephippifer — Agassiz, 1845 (incorrect subsequent spelling). In the

synonymy of Brachycephalus Fitzinger, 1826.

epipeda, epipedus: G. epipedos (έπί-πεδος), surface (of the earth, opp. what is

below it). Eleutherodactylus epipedus Heyer, 1984. (“... in allusion to the

species most commonly being collected from the forest floor ...”). Today

Ischnocnema epipeda (Heyer, 1984).

Epipedobates: G. epipedos (έπί-πεδος), surface (of the earth, opp. what is below

it) + G. bates (βατες), walker, who walks (from βαίνω, move by taking

step). Epipedobates Myers, 1987. (“... in reference to the primarily terrestrial

nature of most species ...”).

Epirhexis: G. ipeiros (ήπειρος), land, mainland + G. hexis (έξις), state of having,

possession, habit, practice. Epirhexis Cope, 1866. (?). In the synonymy of

Eleutherodactylus Duméril & Bibron, 1841.

ericae: Erica + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine names and nouns.

Honouring Érica Maria Pellegrini Caramaschi, Brazilian ichthyologist.

Hyla ericae Caramaschi & Cruz, 2000. Also Hypsiboas ericae — Faivovich

et al., 2005. Today Boana ericae (Caramaschi & Cruz, 2000).

erikae: Erika + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine names and nouns.

Honouring Érika Costa Elias, authors’ friend and assistant. Physalaemus

erikae Cruz & Pimenta, 2004.

eringiophila: L. Eryngium, genus of Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) + G. philos (φιλος),

friend. Hyla strigilata eringiophila Gallardo, 1961. [“... Este nombre se

debe a la costumbre que tienen diversas ranas del género Hyla, de vivir en-


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