Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

caueira (CEPLAC), in Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. Sphaenorhynchus pauloalvini

Bokermann, 1973. Today Gabohyla pauloalvini (Bokermann, 1973).

paulodutrai: Paulo Dutra + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine

names and nouns. Honouring Paulo Coutinho Dutra (?), Brazilian agricultural

engineer at the Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira

(CEPLAC), in Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. Eleutherodactylus paulodutrai Bokermann,

1975 “1974”. Today Pristimantis paulodutrai (Bokermann, 1975).

paviotii: Pavioti + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Antônio Pavioti (?), Brazilian naturalist. Proceratophrys

paviotii Cruz et al., 2005.

payaya: (?). Payaya, native Brazilian culture, once present at Chapada Diamantina.

Leptodactylus payaya Magalhães et al., 2020. (“... The region corresponds

to the new species type locality ...”).

pearsei: Pearse + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and nouns.

Honouring Arthur Sperry Pearse (1877-1956), US American zoologist. (1)

Hylella pearsei Ruthven, 1922. Also Hyla pearsei — Dunn, 1944. In the

synonymy of Boana punctata (Schneider, 1799). (2) Hypopachus pearsei

Ruthven, 1914. Also Elachistocleis pearsei — Dunn, 1944. Relictivomer

pearsei — Carvalho, 1954. Engystoma pearsei — Dubois et al., 2021. Today

Elachistocleis pearsei (Ruthven, 1914).

pearsoni: Pearson + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Nathan Everett Pearson (1895-1982), North American

ichthyologist. Hyla pearsoni Gaige, 1929. Also Osteocephalus pearsoni —

Goin, 1961. Today Dryaderces pearsoni (Gaige, 1929).

pedromedinae: Pedro Medina + L. -ae, suffix indicating belonging. Honouring

Pedro Medina Pizango, from Puerto Maldonado, Peru. Ololygon pedromedinae

Henle, 1991. Today Scinax pedromedinae (Henle, 1991).

peixotoi: Peixoto + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and nouns.

Honouring Oswaldo Luiz Peixoto, Brazilian herpetologist. Scinax peixotoi

Brasileiro et al., 2007. Also Ololygon peixotoi — Duellman et al., 2016.


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