Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

stelzneri: Stelzner + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Alfred Wilhelm Stelzner (1840-1895), German geologist,

active in Argentina from 1871 to 1874. Phryniscus stelzneri Weyenbergh,

1875. Several Brazilian species of Melanophryniscus were once considered

subspecies of the today Melanophryniscus stelzneri (Weyenbergh, 1875).

stenocephala, Stenocephalus: G. stenos (στενός), narrow, tight + G. kéfali

(κεφάλη), head. (1) Hyla stenocephala Caramaschi & Cruz, 1999. (“... comprimento

da cabeça maior que a largura ...”). Also Hypsiboas stenocephalus

— Faivovich et al., 2005. Today Boana stenocephala (Caramaschi &

Cruz, 1999). (2) Stenocephalus Tschudi, 1838. (?). In the synonymy of Elachistocleis

Parker, 1927.

Stenodactylus: G. stenos (στενός), narrow, tight + G. dactylos (δάκτυλος), finger,

toe. Stenodactylus Philippi, 1902. (“... digiti pedum anticorum et posteriorum

elongati tenues terites basi membrana brevi unitis ...”). In the

synonymy of Rhinella Fitzinger, 1826.

stenodema: G. stenos (στενός), narrow, tight + G. dema (δεμα), bulge. Leptodactylus

stenodema Jiménez de la Espada, 1875. (“... un tercer cordon ó

arruga lisa y un poco más estrecha que la anterior, nace en el punto en que

ésta llega al nivel posterior del oido, y va, encorvándose exteriormente, á lo

largo de los costados, y en la mitad de estos se ensancha de pronto transformándose

en un parche glanduloso de escasa amplitud prolongado hasta

el ángulo superior de la ingle ...”).

stepheni: Stephen + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Stephen R. Edwards, US American zoologist. Colostethus

stepheni Martins, 1989. Today Anomaloglossus stepheni (Martins, 1989).

Stereocyclops: G. stereos (στερεός), firm, hard, solid + G. kyklos (κύκλος), circle,

ring. Stereocyclops Cope, 1870. (“... Anterior portion of the sclerotica ossified,

so as to form a hard annulus round the cornea ...”).

Stertirana: L. sterto, snore + L. rana, frog. Stertirana Hillis & Wilcox, 2005. (“...

in reference to the snore-like element of the advertisement call of the frogs

in this group ...”). In the synonymy of Lithobates Fitzinger, 1843.


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