Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

arapapa: T. arapapá, vernacular name of Cochlearius cochlearius (Ciconiiformes,

Ardeidae), the Boat-billed Heron. Aparasphenodon arapapa Pimenta et

al., 2009. (“... Its wide and flattened beak resembles the snout of the new

Aparasphenodon described here ...”). Today Nyctimantis arapapa (Pimenta

et al., 2009).

ararype: T. ararype, macaw’s river; from T. arara, macaw + T. y, river + T. pe, on

the. Proceratophrys ararype Mângia et al., 2018. (“...Because the new species

is known only from the Araripe region, we name it after this area...”).

araucaria: L. Araucaria, genus of the order Pinales of Gondwanic origin. Adenomera

araucaria Kwet & Angulo, 2003. (“... The new species is named

after the Paraná pine, Araucaria angustifolia, in allusion to the preferred

microhabitat at CPCN Pro-Mata ...”). Also Leptodactylus (Lithodytes) araucaria

— Frost et al., 2006.

araxa: T. araxa, from ara, world + eça, to see (the first place where the sun can

be seen). Etymology by the authors. Physalaemus araxa Leal et al., 2021.

(“... Also used to indicate the highest mountain in a landscape. That is the

specific case of the type locality of Physalaemus araxa sp. nov., found on

the mountaintop of the highest hill of the Atlantic forest ...”).

Arcovomer: L. arcus, bow, arc, coil, arch + L. vomer, a bone. Arcovomer Carvalho,

1954. [“... The generic name Arcovomer (arched vomer) is Latin and is

descriptive of the peculiar prevomer of this genus ...”].

arduous: L. arduus, arduous, difficult. Scinax arduous Peixoto, 2002. (“... O epíteto

específico faz referência à dificuldade de colecionamento de adultos desta

espécie ...”). Also Ololygon arduoa — Duellman et al., 2016.

arenarum: L arena, sand + L. -arum, having the nature of. Bufo arenarum Hensel,

1867. (“... Sieben Individuen, deren grösstes 75 mm. lang ist, wurden bei

der Stadt Rio-Grande do Sul gefangen, wo sie bei Nacht auf den trockenen

Sanddünen umherlaufen, bei Tage sich unter den Wurzeln der Sträucher

gesellschaftlich verbergen ...”). Also Bufo arenarius — A. Lutz, 1934 (incorrect

subsequent spelling). Chaunus arenarum — Frost et al., 2006. Today

Rhinella arenarum (Hensel, 1867).


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