Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

plicifera, plicifer: L. plico, fold + L. fera, carry, bear. Hylodes plicifera Boulenger,

1888. (“... Head and back with several symmetrical linear folds, viz. a

median straight one from between the nostrils to above the vent, and five

undulous others on each side, beginning from the supraciliary edge and

crossing obliquely the upper eyelid ...”). Also Eleutherodactylus plicifer

— Stejneger, 1904. Same root in Eleutherodactylus pliciferus — Gorham,

1966. Today Haddadus plicifer (Boulenger, 1888).

plicifrons: L plicis, folded + L. frons, fore part of anything. Bubonias plicifrons

Cope, 1874. (“... A strong elevated fold ...”). Also Edalorhina plicifrons —

Boulenger, 1882. Paludicola plicifrons — Nieden, 1923. In the synonymy

of Edalorhina perezi Jiménez de la Espada, 1870.

pluvian: L. pluvia, rain. Pristimantis pluvian Oliveira et al., 2020. (“... The frogs

of this genus are known as Amazon Rain Frogs ...”).

poaju: T. poã, finger + T. ju, spine. Hypsiboas poaju Garcia et al., 2008. (“... in

reference to the prepollex that ends in a curved spine ...”). Today Boana

poaju (Garcia et al., 2008).

pocoto: P. pocot’o, onomatopoeia of a horse trotting. Pseudopaludicola pocoto

Magalhães et al., 2014. (“... The specific epithet refers to the similarity of

the advertisement call to the sound of a horse trotting, which in Portuguese

is expressed by the onomatopoeia pocotó ...”).

podicipinus: L. podicis, buttocks; anus + L. -inus, suffix indicating possession,

belonging to, pertaining to, having the nature of, made of, quality of, state

or condition of. Cystignathus podicipinus Cope, 1862. (“... Skin smooth

above, except a few minute warts on the coccygeal region. Lateral and postanal

region verrucose ...”). Also Leptodactylus podicipinus podicipinus —

Gans, 1960. Today Leptodactylus podicipinus (Cope, 1862).

Podonectes: G. podos (ποδος), foot + G. nektes (νεκτες), swimmer. Podonectes

Steindachner, 1864. (?). In the synonymy of Pseudis Wagler, 1830.

poecilogaster: G. poikílos (ποικίλος), having a natural intricacy (of colour, shade,

texture); dappled, spotted, mottled + G. gastir (γαστήρ), abdomen. Pa-


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