Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

morador da serra ...”]. Also Boana ibitiguara — Wiens et al., 2005. Today

Bokermannohyla ibitiguara (Cardoso, 1983).

ibitinga: P. Ibitinga, from T. yby-tinga, white earth or white clay, in the sense of

cloud or fog. Brachycephalus ibitinga Condez et al., 2021. (“... The specific

epithet ibitinga is a Portuguese noun derived from the indigenous Tupi-Guarani

words yby + tinga ... which together compose a name applied

to describe the fog ...”).

ibitipoca: P. [Serra do] Ibitipoca, mountain range in the state of Minas Gerais,

Brazil; from T. ybytyra-poca, broken mountain; volcano. Hyla ibitipoca

Caramaschi & Feio, 1990. (“... The species is named for the type locality in

the Serra do Ibitipoca ...”). Also Boana ibitipoca — Wiens et al., 2005. Today

Bokermannohyla ibitipoca (Caramaschi & Feio, 1990).

icamiaba: (?) Icamiaba, a woman from the matriarchal Amazonian community

who lived around Lake Iacinaruá and used the green stones known as

muiraquitãs as a symbol. Boana icamiaba Peloso et al., 2018. [“... These

warriors, first described by friar Gaspar de Carvajal (a member of the Francisco

Orellana expedition ... were members of isolated tribes composed of

women only ...”].

icterica, ictericus: L. icterica, or G. ikterikos (ικτερικός), jaundiced. (1) Bufo

ictericus Spix, 1824. [“... cacaotico-brunnescens (…) albo-flavis supra

& subtus variegatus ...”]. Also Docidophryne icterica — Fitzinger, 1861

“1860”. Bufo marinus ictericus — Müller, 1927. Bufo ictericus ictericus

— Cochran, 1950. Chaunus ictericus — Frost et al., 2006. Today Rhinella

icterica (Spix, 1824). (2) Scinax icterica Duellman & Wiens, 1993. (“...

refers to the pale yellow color characteristic of these frogs when they are

active at night ...”). Today Scinax ictericus Duellman & Wiens, 1993.

ignioculus: L. ignis, fire, brightness + L. oculus, eye. Hyalinobatrachium ignioculus

Noonan & Bonett, 2003. (“... The name refers to the distinctive red

color of part of the iris ...”). Also Hyalinobatrachium igniocolus — Barrio-Amorós

& Castroviejo-Fisher, 2008 (incorrect subsequent spelling of

the species name). In the synonymy of Hyalinobatrachium cappellei (van

Lidth de Jeude, 1904).


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