Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

pacaas: (?). Pacaás-Novos or Wari’, native-Brazilians from the family Chapacura,

established in Rondônia. Additionally, the name of a conservation

area, Parque Nacional dos Pacaás Novos (10. 84892°S, 63. 63312°W; 911

m above sea level), municipality of Campo Novo de Rondônia, state of

Rondônia, Brazil. Allobates pacaas Melo-Sampaio et al., 2020. (“... Allobates

pacaas is named in recognition of an important natural refuge in the

Brazilian state of Rondonia ...”).

pachybrachion: G. pachys (παχύς), thick + G. brachion (βραχῗων), arm. Rana

pachybrachion Wied-Neuwied, 1824. (“... Arme colossal dick ...”). Also

Rana pacybrachion — Vanzolini & Myers, 2015 (error typographicus). In

the synonymy of Leptodactylus latrans (Steffen, 1815).

pachycrus: G. pachy (παχυ), thick + L. crus, leg; shank. Hyla pachycrus Miranda-Ribeiro,

1937. (?). (“... Corpo e membros deprimidos ...”). Also Ololygon

pachychrus — Fouquette & Delahoussaye, 1977. Today Scinax pachycrus

(Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937).

pachydactyla: G. pachy (παχυ), thick + G. dactylos (δάκτυλος), finger, toe. Adelophryne

pachydactyla Hoogmoed et al., 1994. (“... in reference to the

thick, short, swollen fingers of this species ...”).

pachyderma: G. pachy (παχυ), thick + G. dermos (δερμος), skin. Leptodactylus

pachyderma Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926. (“... Pelle lisa, porém espessa tanto

em cima como nos flancos ...”). In the synonymy of Leptodactylus flavopictus

A. Lutz, 1926.

Pachymandra: G. pachys (παχύς), thick + L. mandra, ending of Salamandra,

genus of urodeles due to Garsault (1764) (in turn, from G. σαλαμάνδρα,

vernacular name of the animals). Pachymandra Parra-Olea et al., 2004.

(“... A group of large to very large salamanders ...”). A subgenus of Bolitoglossa

Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854.

Pachypus, pachypus: G. pachys (παχύς), thick + G. -pus, from podos (ποδος),

foot. (1) Pachypus A. Lutz, 1930 (“... podemos reconhecer uma divisão, formada

por espécies grandes ... em que o macho adulto não somente mostra

duas pontas duras, freqüentemente córneas e pretas, no lado interno da


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