Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

atim: T. atim, from T. tî, front (in general), beak, muzzle, nose, bow. Physalaemus

atim Brasileiro & Haddad, 2015. (“... Atim is a Tupi indigenous word that

means “big nose”. It is used here ... in allusion to the long snout of the new

species ...”).

atlantica, atlanticus: L. atlantica, -us, belonging to Atlantic. (1) Hyla atlantica

Caramaschi & Velosa, 1996. (“... O nome da espécie faz alusão a sua ocorrência

no leste brasileiro, na região da Floresta Atlântica, que se contrapõe à

ocorrência de sua espécie afim, Hyla punctata, na Amazônia ...”). Also Hypsiboas

atlanticus — Faivovich et al., 2005. Today Boana atlantica (Caramaschi

& Velosa, 1996). (2) Chiasmocleis atlantica Cruz et al., 1997 (“... The

specific name, a Latin adjective, refers to the Atlantic Rain Forest of eastern

Brazil ...”). (3) Physalaemus atlanticus Haddad & Sazima, 2004. (“... refers

to the habitat of the new species, the Atlantic rain forest in southeastern Brazil,

where the new species may be found at the seashore ...”).

atlas: G. Atlas (Ατλας), Titan forced by Zeus to support the heavens on his shoulders.

Trachycephalus atlas Bokermann, 1966. (?).

atragula: L. atra, black, dark; dark-colored + L. gula, throat, neck, gullet, maw.

Pseudopaludicola atragula Pansonato et al., 2014 [“... It is used in reference

to the dark gular region of most males (in life) – unusual within

the genus Pseudopaludicola – with white areolations interspersed among

dark reticulation ...].

atrata, atratus: L. atrata, -us, darkened, blackened, dingy; clothed in black, in/

wearing mourning. Hyla atrata Peixoto, 1989 “1988”. (“... O epíteto específico

faz referência à coloração escurecida dos exemplares ...”). Also Ololygon

atrata — Duellman et al., 2016. Today Scinax atratus (Peixoto, 1989).

Atretochoana: G. a-tretos (α-τρητος), imperforate + G. choane (χοάνη), funnel

or tube, choana. Atretochoana Nussbaum & Wilkinson, 1995. (“... typhlonectid

caecilians with sealed choanae, no lungs, no pulmonary blood

vessels ...”).

atroluteus: L. ater, black, dark; dark-colored + L. luteus, yellow; saffron; of mud

or clay. Atelopus atro-luteus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920. [“... Cor (no alcool)


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