Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

tinae: Tina + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine names and nouns.

Honouring Albertina (“Tina”) Pimentel Lima, Brazilian herpetologist. Allobates

tinae Melo-Sampaio et al., 2018.

tinctorius: L. tinctus, wet/moisten/dip/soak; color/dye/tinge/tint, stain (w/

blood) + L. -orium, place where, place for. Rana tinctoria Cuvier, 1797 “An.

VI”. (“... Elle se trouve en Amérique, & est remarquable par l’usage que les

sauvages font de son sang pour tapirer les perroquets; c’est-à-dire pour

leur panacher le plumage. Pour cela ils leur arrachent quelques plumes, &

imprègnent la plaie du sang de cette raine. Il revient à la place des plumes

rouges ou jaunes ...”). Also Calamita tinctorius Schneider, 1799. Hyla tinctoria

— Daudin, 1800. Hylaplesia tinctoria —Boie in Schlegel, 1826. Dendrobates

tinctorum — Silverstone, 1975 (typographic error). Today Dendrobates

tinctorius (Cuvier, 1797).

tintinnabulum: L. tintinnabulum, bell; cow bell; small bell. Hyla tintinnabulum

Melin, 1941. (“... This species, which occurred in great numbers at a little

igarapé (river-branch) on the western side of the river ... had a brittle, belllike

sound ...”). Today Dendropsophus tintinnabulum (Melin, 1941).

toby: T. toby, greenish. Brachycephalus toby Haddad et al., 2010. (“... Toby ... is a

Tupi Guarani indigenous word that means ‘‘greenish,’’ and is used here in

allusion to the greenish color of the dorsum of B. toby ...”).

tocantins: P. Tocantins, state, river, and basin in Brazil, from T. tocantins, toucan

beak (in turn, T. tukana, toucan + T. tim, beack). Pseudis tocantins

Caramaschi & Cruz, 1998. (“... O epíteto específico, um nome em aposição,

refere-se ao Estado e bacia do Tocantins, onde a espécie foi coletada ...”).

toftae: Toft + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine names and nouns.

Honouring Catherine A. Toft, North American herpetologist. Eleutherodactylus

toftae Duellman, 1978. Today Pristimantis toftae (Duellman,


Tomodactylus: G. tomos (τομός), with the capacity to cut, cutting, sharp + G.

dactylos (δάκτυλος), finger, toe. Tomodactylus Günther, 1900. (“... These


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