Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

biolat: E. BIOLAT, acronym for the Biological Diversity in Tropical Latin America

project. Dendrobates biolat Morales, 1992. [“... El nombre biolat honra la

labor desempeñada por el programa de Diversidad Biologica para America

Latina (BIOLAT) del Smithsonian Institution de Washington D. C., U. S. A.

Este programa realiza investigaciones cientificas en los Parques Nacionales

de Sudamerica y brinda apoyo a los investigadores nacionales ...”]. Also

Ranitomeya biolat — Grant et al., 2006. In the synonymy of Ranitomeya

sirensis (Aichinger, 1991).

bipunctata, bipunctatus: L. bi-, two + L. punctata, -us, punctuated; pointed.

Hyla bipunctata Spix, 1824. (“... dorso medio nigro-bipunctato ...”). Also

Scinax bipunctatus — Wagler, 1830. Scinax bipunctata — Peters, 1872.

Hyla bipunctata bipunctata — Cochran, 1955 “1954”. Today Dendropsophus

bipunctatus (Spix, 1824).

bischoffi: Bischoff + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Theodor Bischoff (1807-1882), Brazilian schoolmaster

and amateur naturalist, active in Rio Grande do Sul. (1) Hyla bischoffi

Boulenger, 1887. Also Hyla bischoffi bischoffi — Cochran, 1955 “1954”.

Hypsiboas bischoffi — Faivovich et al., 2005. Today Boana bischoffi (Boulenger,

1887). (2) Paludicola bischoffi Boulenger, 1887. Also Physalaemus

bischoffi — Parker, 1927. In the synonymy of Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger,


bivittata, bivittatum: L. bi, two + L. vittata, wearing or carrying a ritual vitta. (1)

Hyla bivittata Boulenger, 1888. (“... Greyish above, with two parallel darker

bands along the back, more distinct in the young than in the adult ...”.

Also Hyla minuta bivittata — Barrio, 1967. In the synonymy of Dendropsophus

minutus (Peters, 1872). (2) Caecilia bivittata Guérin-Méneville,

1838. (?). Also Coecilia bivitatum Cuvier, 1829. Today Rhinatrema bivittatum

(Guérin-Méneville, 1838).

blombergi: Blomberg + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Rolf Blomberg (1912-1996), Swedish explorer and

photographer active in Ecuador. Phyllomedusa blombergi Funkhouser,

1957. In the synonymy of Phyllomedusa vaillantii Boulenger, 1882.


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