Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

Nattereria: Natterer + L. -eria, suffix denoting place of. Honouring Johann Natterer

(1787-1843), Austrian naturalist. Nattereria Steindachner, 1864. In

the synonymy of Physalaemus Fitzinger, 1826.

neblinae: S., P. [Sierra de/da] Neblina, mountain range shared by Venezuela and

Brazil; from S./P. neblina, fog, mist, haze + L. -ae, suffix indicating the

genitive of feminine names and nouns. Stefania neblinae Carvalho et al.,

2010. [“... The specific name refers to the region, ‘‘Pico da Neblina’’ (foggy

peak), where the new species was collected ...”].

nebulosa, nebulosus: L. nebulosus, misty, foggy. Hyla nebulosa Spix, 1824. (“...

Submediocris, brunneo-fusca ...”). Also Scinax nebulosa — Duellman &

Wiens, 1992. Today Scinax nebulosus (Spix, 1824).

Nectocaecilia: G. nektes (νεκτες), swimmer + L. Caecilia, genus of caecilians due

to Linnaeus (1758) (see). Nectocaecilia Taylor, 1968. (“... two large narial

plugs on tongue ...”).

Nectodactylus: G. nektes (νεκτες), swimmer + G. dactylos (δάκτυλος), finger,

toe. Nectodactylus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1924. (“... Palmae crassae, digitis

connexi fere ut in Brachycephalo. Pedibus palmatis raninis ...”). In the

synonymy of Chiasmocleis Méhely, 1904.

neglecta, neglectus: L. neglecta, disregarded, not cared for, neglected, ignored.

(1) Cyclorhamphus neglectus A. Lutz, 1928. Replacement name for Telmatobius

asper Boulenger, 1907. In the synonymy of Cycloramphus asper

Werner, 1899. (2) Paludicola neglecta Ahl, 1927. Also Physalaemus neglecta

— Milstead, 1963. Physalaemus neglectus — Cochran & Goin, 1970.

Physalaemus neglectus neglectus — Cochran & Goin, 1970. In the synonymy

of Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826.

nekronastes: G. nekros (νεκρός), death + G. nastes (νάστης), inhabitant; dweller.

Dendropsophus nekronastes Dias et al., 2017. (“... The name is given in allusion

to the collection site of the specimens in a pond near a cemetery ...”).

Nelsonophryne: Nelson + G. phrynos (φρύνος), toad. Nelsonophryne Frost,

1987 Honouring Craig E. Nelson, US American herpetologist. Replace-


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