Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

andianus: S. Andes, South American mountain range [in turn, from ? Andes, a

pre-Hispanic people in the Jauja region (Junín, Peru) that gave the mountain

range its name] + L. -anus, belonging to. Bufo andianus Cope, 1868.

(“... From the valley of Quito ...”). The same root in Bufo marinus andinensis

Melin, 1941. In the synonymy of Rhinella poeppigii (Tschudi, 1845).

andicola: S. Andes, South American mountain range [in turn, from ? Andes, a

pre-Hispanic people in the Jauja region (Junín, Peru) that gave the mountain

range its name] + L. -cola, dwelling in, inhabiting, living among. Amphiumophis

andicola Werner, 1901. [“... Ein Exemplar ... vom Chanchamayo

...” (a province in Junin Department, Peru)]. In the synonymy of

Caecilia tentaculata Linnaeus, 1758.

Andinophryne: S. andino, demonym (m.) of the inhabitants of the Cordillera de

los Andes [in turn, from ? Andes, a pre-Hispanic people in the Jauja region

(Junín, Peru) that gave the mountain range its name] + G. phrynos

(φρύνος), toad. Andinophryne Hoogmoed, 1985. (“... Named for the Andes,

the mountain range that has such a profound influence on the distribution

of animals and plants in western South America, and from the Greek

phryne, toad, in reference to the fact that these toads only are known from

the western slopes of the Andes ...”). In the synonymy of Rhaebo Cope,


andreae: André + L. -ae, suffix indicating belonging to. Honouring André Goeldi

(?), Brazilian botanist and photographer. Leptodactylus andreae Müller,

1923. Also Leptodactylus (Lithodytes) andreae — Frost et al., 2006. Today

Adenomera andreae (Müller, 1923).

angrensis: P. Angra [dos Reis], from P. angra, small and open bay + L. -ensis, belonging

to a place. (1) Physalaemus angrensis Weber et al., 2005. (“... The

specific name is a Latinized adjective derived from the geographical name

Angra dos Reis, referring to the type locality of the new species ...”). (2)

Hyla catharinae angrensis B. Lutz, 1973. (“... Two specimens from Angra

dos Reis, in the southern part of the state of Rio de Janeiro, are described

as a new subspecies of Hyla catharinae ...”). Also Hyla angrensis — Pombal

& Gordo, 1991. Ololygon angrensis — Duellman et al., 2016. Today

Scinax angrensis (B. Lutz, 1973).


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