Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

carvalhoi — Wiens et al., 2005. Today Bokermannohyla carvalhoi (Peixoto,

1981). (2) Chiasmocleis carvalhoi Cruz et al., 1997 (secondary homonym

of Syncope carvalhoi Nelson, 1975). In the synonymy of Chiasmocleis lacrimae

Peloso et al., 2014. (3) Zachaenus carvalhoi Izecksohn, 1983 “1982”.

Today Cycloramphus carvalhoi (Izecksohn, 1983). (4) Dendrophryniscus

carvalhoi Izecksohn, 1994. (5) Elachistocleis carvalhoi Caramaschi, 2010.

Also Engystoma carvalhoi — Dubois et al., 2021. (6) Odontophrynus carvalhoi

Savage & Cei, 1965. (7) Protopipa carvalhoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937.

Also Hemipipa carvalhoi — Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937. Today Pipa carvalhoi

(Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937). (8) Eleutherodactylus carvalhoi B. Lutz in

B. Lutz & Kloss, 1952. Today Pristimantis carvalhoi (B. Lutz in B. Lutz &

Kloss, 1952).

casconi: Cascon + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Paulo Cascon, Brazilian herpetologist. Rhinella casconi

Roberto et al., 2014.

castanea: L. castanea, chestnut-tree, chestnut. Rana castanea Shaw, 1802. (“...

Chestnut-coloured granulated Frog ...”). In the synonymy of Lithodytes

lineatus (Schneider, 1799).

castaneicola: L. castanea, chestnut-tree, chestnut + L. -cola, dwelling in, inhabiting,

living among. Osteocephalus castaneicola Moravec et al., 2009. (“...

The name ... refers to the life history of the new species ...”).

castaneotica, castaneoticus: L. castanea, chestnut-tree, chestnut + L. oti(i),

leisure; spare time + L. -ica, -icus, suffix indicating possession, belonging

to, pertaining to, having the nature of, made of, quality of, state or condition

of. (1) Dendrobates castaneoticus Caldwell & Myers, 1990. (“... Fallen

waterfilled fruit capsules of the Castanha do Pará appear to be an important

habitat for the larvae of Dendrobates castaneoticus of Pará ...”). Today

Adelphobates castaneoticus (Caldwell & Myers, 1990). (2) Bufo castaneoticus

Caldwell, 1991. (“... The allusion is not to the European chestnut tree

(Castanea) but rather to the tropical South American Brazil nut tree (Bertholletia

excelsa, family Lecythidaceae), whose Brazilian common name is

“Castanha do Pará” and whose fallen fruit capsules are the breeding site of

this small Bufo ...”). Today Rhinella castaneotica (Caldwell, 1991).


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