Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

hyleaustralis Pansonato et al., 2013. “... The specific epithet ... is derived

from the Greek word “Hylea” meaning “great forest”, and the Latin word

australis, meaning “south” or “southern”, which together is translated as

“from the southern part of the Hylea” ...”).

Hylella: L. Hyla (see), a name that is traditionally associated with tree frogs + L.

-ella, suffix diminutive. Hylella Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862 “1861. (“... Reinhardt

har endelig fra Omegnen af Lagoa Santa hjembragt 2 smaa Lövfröer,

hver af dem dog kun i et enkelt Exemplar, som vilde kunne henføres til

Slægten Hyla i alle andre Henseender, naar de ikke manglede ethver Spor

til Ganetænder ...”). In the synonymy of Dendropsophus Fitzinger, 1843.

Hylidae: L. Hyla (see), a name that is traditionally associated with tree frogs + L.

-idae, suffix indicating the category of family in the zoological classification

(Art. 29, ICZN). Hylidae Rafinesque,1815.

Hylodes: L. Hyla (see), a name that is traditionally associated with tree frogs +

L. -odes, suffix for likeness; additionally, from G. hylos (ὕλά), crub, brush,

woodland, forest. (1) Hylodes Fitzinger, 1826. (?). (2) Cystignathus hylodes

Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862 “1861”. (“... Ryggen er mørkebrun; 3 Rækker

af morkere, mere eller mindre tydelige Pletter, der dog langtfra have

saa skarp en Form eller saa bestemt en Begrænsning som hos C. ocellatus

og typhonius, kunne forfølges langs ned ad Ryggen og Siderne, og en stor

mørk Plet findes paa Issen mellem og bagved Öinene ...”). Today Leptodactylus

hylodes (Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862). (3) The same root in Hylodidae

Günther, 1858.

Hylomantis: G. hylos (ὕλά), crub, brush, woodland, forest + G. mantis (μαντης),

tree-frog. Hylomantis Peters, 1873 “1872”. (?).

Hylomedusa: G. hylos (ὕλά), crub, brush, woodland, forest + G. medeon (μεδέων)

medeousa (μεδέουσα), ruling, holding. Hylomedusa Burmeister, 1856. (?).

In the synonymy of Boana Gray, 1825.

hylonomus: G. hylos (ὕλά), crub, brush, woodland, forest + G. nomos (νομός), (of

persons) dwelling in. Adelastes hylonomus Zweifel, 1986. (“... The Greek

adjective hylonomos means forest dwelling ...”).


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