Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

ron: E. Ron, nikname of Ronald. Honouring Ronald Archie Nussbaum, US American

herpetologist. Rhinatrema ron Wilkinson & Gower, 2010.

rondonae, rondoniae: Rondônia, a Brazilian state, in turn, honouring Marshal

Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon (1865-1958), Brazilian militar and explorer

+ L. -ae, suffix indicating belonging. (1) Hyla rondoniae Bokermann,

1963. (“... fazem parte de um lote de anfíbios colecionados nas proximidades

da localidade de Rondônia, no territorio Federal de Rondônia ...”).

In the synonymy of Dendropsophus bokermanni (Goin, 1960). (2) Proceratophrys

rondonae Prado & Pombal, 2008. (“... O epiteto específico se

refere ao estado de Rondônia, cujo nome é uma homenagem ao Marechal

Candido [Mariano da Silva] Rondon ...”).

roseanus: L. roseanus, rose-colored, red. Bufo crucifer var. roseanus Miranda-Ribeiro,

1926. [“... e por fim outro cuja tarja dorsal muito se amplia e deixa

os desenhos do dorso rubescentes (var. roseana) ...”]. In the synonymy of

Rhinella ornata (Spix, 1824).

roseus: L. roseus, rose-colored, red. Hylodes roseus Melin, 1941. (“... In alcohol,

upper surface greyish white with a pink tint and brownish designs ...”).

(Preoccupied by Hylodes roseus Boulenger, 1918). Also Eleutherodactylus

roseus — B. Lutz & Kloss, 1952. In the synonymy of Pristimantis vilarsi

(Melin, 1941).

rosmelinus: ? rosmelinus, apocope from roseus and Melin + L. -us, pertaining to.

Eleutherodactylus rosmelinus Gorham, 1966 (replacement name for Hylodes

roseus Melin, 1944). In the synonymy of Pristimantis vilarsi (Melin, 1941).

rossaferesae: Rossa-Feres + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine

names and nouns. Honouring Denise de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres, Brazilian

herpetologist. Scinax rossaferesae Conte et al., 2016.

rossalleni: Ross Allen + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Ensil Ross Allen (1908-1981), North American herpetologist.

Hyla rossalleni Goin, 1959 (replacement name for Hyla alleni

Goin, 1957, secondary junior homonym of Scytopis alleni Cope, 1870). Today

Dendropsophus rossalleni (Goin, 1959).


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