Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

south of the Amazon River ...”). (2) Allobates tapajos Lima et al., 2015. (“...

The specific epithet makes reference to the Tapajós River, a major clearwater

tributary of the Amazon River ...”). (3) Bolitoglossa tapajonica Brcko

et al., 2013. (“... The specific epithet is taken from the lower Tapajós river

region, the type locality ...”).

tapiti: T. tapiti, tapeti, Brazilian rabbit, forest rabbit (Sylvilagus brasiliensis). Leptodactylus

tapiti Sazima & Bokermann, 1978. (“... parecida com camaquara,

dela diferindo pelo focinho mais comprido, pernas mais longas ...”).

tarsius: L. Tarsius, genus of primates due to Storr (1870) [in turn, from G. tarsos

(ταρσός), flat of the foot between toes and heel], characterized by having

huge eyes. Pithecopus tarsius Cope, 1868. (“... Diameter of eye three times

tympanum ...”). Today Phyllomedusa tarsius (Cope, 1868).

Tarsopterus: G. tarsos (ταρσός), flat of the foot between toes and heel + G. pteron

(πτερόν), wing. Tarsopterus Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862 “1861”. (“... Tarsopterus

differt a Leiupero, cui affinis, tarso et digitis posterioribus membrana

cinctis ...”). In the synonymy of Crossodactylus Duméril & Bibron, 1841.

taurina, taurinus: L. taurina, -inus, of or derived from a bull. (1) Osteocephalus

taurinus Steindachner, 1862. There is no explicit reference to the origin of

the name in the text, although it may refer to the shape of the interocular

ridges. (“... Knochenkamm an der Oberseite des Kopfes paarig, schwach

verkehrt Sförmig |: \/: | gekrümmt ...”). Also Trachycephalus (Osteocephalus)

taurinus — Steindachner, 1867. Hyla taurina — Boulenger, 1882.

Hyla (Trachycephalus) taurina — Melin, 1941. (2) Rana taurina Cuvier,

1816 “1817”. [“... La Grenouille taureau. Bull-Frog des Anglo-Americans.

(Rana taurina. Cuv. R. pipiens. Daud.) Catesb. II, lxxi. Daud. Xviii ...”]. In

the synonymy of Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802).

taylori: Taylor + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and nouns.

Honouring Edward Harrison Taylor (1889-1978), US American herpetologist.

Centrolenella taylori Goin, 1968 “1967”. Also Hyalinobatrachium

taylori — Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991. Today Hyalinobatrachium taylori

(Goin, 1968). (2) Microcaecilia taylori Nussbaum & Hoogmoed, 1979.


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