Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

thonerpeton tremembe Maciel et al., 2015. (“... a reference to the Tremembé

ethnic group ...”).

triangulum: L. triangulum, three-cornered, triangular; triangle. Hyla triangulum

Günther, 1869 "1868". (“... a triangular isosceles deep-black spot,

edged with white, on the head and nape, one angle being on each eyelid,

and the third behind the nape ...”). Today Dendropsophus triangulum

(Günther, 1869).

tricolor: L. tri, three + L. color, color; pigment; shade/tinge. Hyalinobatrachium

tricolor Castroviejo-Fisher et al., 2011. (“... refers to its dorsal coloration,

which is a combination of three colors: light green, dark green and brown

in life, and cream, white and black in preservative ...”).

tridactyla, tridactylus: G. tria (τρία), three + G. dactylos (δάκτυλος), finger, toe.

(1) Adelophryne tridactyla Duellman & Mendelson, 1995. (“... the name

refers to the presence of only three functional digits on the hand and foot

...”). Also Syncope tridactyla — Silva & Meinhardt, 1999. Chiasmocleis tridactyla

— Peloso et al., 2014; de Sá et al., 2018 “2019”. Today Chiasmocleis

tridactyla (Duellman & Mendelson, 1995). (2) Brachycephalus tridactylus

Garey et al., 2012. (“... The specific epithet refers to the major diagnostic

feature of this species, which is the presence of only three fingers in the

hands, with no trace of external Finger IV ...”). (3) Euparkerella tridactyla

Izecksohn, 1988. (“... O nome específico destaca a conformação das mãos e

pés, onde apenas três dedos, ou artelhos, são desenvolvidos ...”).

Trigonophrys: L. trigonus, triangular; having three angles/corners + G. ofrys

(οφρύς), eyebrow, supercilium. Trigonophrys Hallowell, 1857 “1856”. (“...

upper eyelid triangular ...”). Also Triogonophrys — Hoffmann, 1878 (incorrect

subsequent spelling). In the synonymy of Ceratophrys Wied-Neuwied,


trilineata, trilineatus: L. tri-, prefix [tres-], consisting of, having, etc., three of

the things named + L. lineata, lined. (1) Ololygon trilineata Hoogmoed

& Gorzula, 1979. (“... From Latin tres, meaning three, and linea, meaning

line. In reference to the three distinct lines on the dorsum ...”). Also Sci-


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