Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

Parvicaecilia: L. parvus, small, little; unimportant + L. Caecilia, genus of gymnophiones

due to Linnaeus, 1758 (see). Parvicaecilia Taylor, 1968. (“...

Slender, diminutive species ...”). In the synonymy of Microcaecilia Taylor,


parviceps: L. parvus, small, little + L. -ceps, -headed. Hyla parviceps Boulenger,

1882. (“... Head very small, a little broader than long ...”). Today Dendropsophus

parviceps (Boulenger, 1882).

parvula, parvulus: L. parvula, very small, very young. (1) Hylella parvula Boulenger,

1895 “1894”. (“... From snout to vent 17 millim. ... ”). Also Cochranella

parvula — Taylor & Cochran, 1953. Centrolenella parvula — Duellman,

1977. Hyalinobatrachium parvulum — Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991. Today

Vitreorana parvula (Boulenger, 1895 “1894”). (2) Cystignathus parvulus

Girard, 1853. (?). Also Zachaenus parvulus — Cope, 1866. Leptodactylus

parvulus — A. Lutz, 1932. Today Cycloramphus parvulus (Girard,

1853). (3) Parvulus A. Lutz, 1930. (“... Parvulus para nanus, trivitatus e

algumas outras espécies exíguas ...”). In the synonymy of Leptodactylus

Fitzinger, 1826.

passarellii: Passarelli + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Alcides Passarelli Filho (?), Brazilian commercial

collector. Arcovomer passarellii Carvalho, 1954.

pauiniensis: P. [Boca do] Pauini, hamlet in the state of Amazonas, Brazil + L.

-ensis, belonging to a place. Hyla pauiniensis Heyer, 1977. (“... The species

is named for the location of Boca do Pauini, the type locality, where several

very productive days were spent in profitable collecting and feeding mosquitos

...”). Today Dendropsophus pauiniensis (Heyer, 1977).

paulensis: P. [São] Paulo, Brazilian city and state + L. -ensis, belonging to a place.

Siphonops paulensis Boettger, 1892. (“... Erw. Saõ Paulo, Brasilien ...”).

Also Siphonops paulensis paulensis — Sawaya, 1937.

pauloalvini: Paulo Alvim + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Paulo de Tarso Alvim Carneiro (1919-2011), Brazilian

plant biologist at the Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Ca-


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