Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

de la bouche ...”). Also Ololygon squalirostris — Fouquette & Delahoussaye,

1977. Today Scinax squalirostris (A. Lutz, 1925).

stawiarskyi: Stawiarsky + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Victor Stawiarsky (1903-1979), Brazilian educator at

Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Dendrophryniscus stawiarskyi Izecksohn,


Stefania: Stefani + -ia, dedicative suffix. Honouring Luis Stefani Raffucci (1901-

1971), Puerto Rican engineer and a long time Chancellor of the University

of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Stefania Rivero, 1968.

stegolepis: L. Stegolepis, genus of Rapateaceae due to Klotzsch, 1872; in turn, from

G. stegos (στέγος), roof, cover + G. lepis (λεπίς), scales. Eleutherodactylus

stegolepis Schlüter & Rödder, 2007 “2006”. [“... The new species is named

after Stegolepis squarrosa (Rapateaceae), dominant floral species on the

summit of Guaiquinima Tepui ...”]. Also Pristimantis stegolepis — Myers

& Donnelly, 2008. In the synonymy of Pristimantis vilarsi (Melin, 1941).

stejnegeri: Stejneger + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Leonhard Hess Stejneger (1851-1943), Norwegian

herpetologist. Borborocoetes stejnegeri Noble, 1924. Also Craspedoglossa

stejnegeri — Cochran, 1955 “1954”. Zachaenus stejnegeri — Harding,

1983. Today Cycloramphus stejnegeri (Noble, 1924).

stellae: Stellae + L. -ae, suffix indicating the genitive of feminine names and nouns.

Honouring the company “Stellae Limited” of Leicester, UK. Hypsiboas

stellae Kwet, 2008. (“... in recognition of its contribution to conserving

biodiversity by aiding the reduction of greenhouse gases ...”). Today Boana

stellae (Kwet, 2008).

stellatus: L. stellatus, set/furnish/cover with stars/points of light. Bufo stellatus

Spix, 1824. (“... hypochondriis femoribusque aurantio-maculatis vel ocellatis

...”). Also Bufo crucifer var. stellata — Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926. In the

synonymy of Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821).


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