Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

ton altamazonicus — Smith, 1877. Spelerpes altamazonicus — Boulenger,

1882. Bolitoglossa (Eladinea) altamazonica — Parra-Olea et al., 2004.

Today Bolitoglossa altamazonica (Cope, 1874). (3) Eleutherodactylus altamazonicus

Barbour & Dunn, 1921. (“... from the upper Amazon, probably

collected ... at Nauta ...”). Today Pristimantis altamazonicus (Barbour

& Dunn, 1921).

alter, altera: L. alter, altera, one (of two); second/another. Hyla rubra altera

B. Lutz, 1973 (replacement name for Hyla rubra orientalis B. Lutz, 1968).

(“... nomen novum for Hyla rubra orientalis B. Lutz, 1968 ...). Also Ololygon

altera — Carvalho-e-Silva & Peixoto, 1991. Scinax altera — Pombal et

al., 1995. Scinax alterus — Silvano & Pimenta, 2001. Today Scinax alter (B.

Lutz, 1973).

Altigius: Altig + L. -ius, suffix commemorative/dedicative. Honouring Ronald Altig,

US American herpetologist. Altigius Wild, 1995. In the synonymy of

Hamptophryne Carvalho, 1954.

altomontana: L. alta, high, elevated + L. montana, mountainous. Chiasmocleis

altomontana Forlani et al., 2017. (“... The specific name is a combination

derived from the Latin words altus meaning high and montani meaning

mountain that characterizes the high altitudinal mountain distribution up

to 1,000 m of the new species ...”). Also Chiasmocleis (Chiasmocleis) altomontana—

de Sá et al., 2018 “2019”.

aluminiata: L. aluminiata, provided with aluminium. Hyla aluminiata Andersson,

1906. (“... The front part of the head is either uniform silvery white, or

there are ... a few scattered spots ...”). In the synonymy of Dendropsophus

rhodopeplus (Günther, 1858).

alvarengai: Alvarenga + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names

and nouns. Honouring Colonel Moacyr Alvarenga (1915-2010), Brazilian

Air Force officer and zoologist. Hyla alvarengai Bokermann, 1956. Today

Bokermannohyla alvarengai (Bokermann, 1956).

amadoi: Amado + L. -i, suffix indicating the genitive of masculine names and

nouns. Honouring Jorge Amado [Jorge Leal Amado de Faria] (1912-2001),

Brazilian modernist writer. Phyllodytes amadoi Vörös et al., 2017.


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