Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

fulvorufa: L. fulvus, tawny, reddish yellow + L. rufus, red (of various shades). Nototrema

fulvorufa Andersson, 1911. (“... The colour in spirit: Upper parts of

head and body ochraceous brown with dark shades. Under parts uniform

reddish brown; legs pale yellow with broad distinct brown cross-bands,

bordered with black ...”). Also Gastrotheca fulvorufa — Miranda-Ribeiro,

1926. Gastrotheca (Australotheca) fulvorufa — Duellman, 2015. Gastrotheca

(Alainia) fulvorufa — Duellman & Cannatella, 2018. Today Alainia

fulvorufa (Andersson, 1911).

funereus: L. funereus, funereal; deadly; fatal. Scytopis funereus Cope, 1874. (“...

Dark brown or blackish with a broad black cross-band between the eyes

...”). Also Hyla funerea — Boulenger, 1882. Phyllomedusa (Scytopsis) funereus

— Knauer, 1878. Ololygon funerea — Fouquette & Delahoussaye,

1977. Scinax funerea — Duellman & Wiens, 1992. Today Scinax funereus

(Cope, 1874).

furnarius: L. furnus, oven + L. -arius, pertaining to. Leptodactylus furnarius

Sazima & Bokermann, 1978. [“... O nome furnarius (= oleiro) é dado em

alusão ao hábito desta espécie de construir seus ninhos com formato semelhante

a um forno ...”].

fusca: L. fuscus, dark, swarthy, dusky; husky; hoarse. (1) Pseudis fusca Garman,

1883. (“... Clouded dark brown above ...”). Also Pseudis paradoxus fuscus

— Gallardo, 1961. Pseudis paradoxa fusca — Bokermann, 1966. (2)

Rana fusca Raddi, 1823. (“... Il colore di tutta la parte superiore del corpo

e dell’estremità è interamente bruno o quasi nero ...”). In the synonymy

of Leptodactylus latrans (Steffen, 1815). (3) Trachycara fusca Tschudi,

1845. (“... T. supra fusca ...”). In the synonymy of Rhinella margaritifera

(Laurenti, 1768).

fuscellus: L. fuscus, dark, swarthy, dusky; husky; hoarse + L. -ellus, diminutive

suffix. Colostethus fuscellus Morales, 2002 “2000”. (“... Deriva del latín

fuscus que significa obscuro y el subfijo -ellus que significa pequeño,

diminuto. Se refiere a que el macho de esta especie también tiene el vientre

obscuro como C. masniger, pero es menor ...”). Today Allobates fuscellus

(Morales, 2002).


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