Etymologies of Brazilian Amphibians

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Herpetologia Brasileira - Suplemento 1

guay River basin ...”). In the synonymy of Rhinella scitula (Caramaschi &

Niemeyer, 2003).

Paramophrynella: S. páramo, high Andean ecosystem, from L. paramus,

wasteland; uncultivated land + G. phrynos (φρύνος), toad + L. -ella, suffix

diminutive (etymology by the author). Paramophrynella La Marca, 2007

“2006”. (“... El origen del nombre es una combinación de las palabras

“páramo”, que denota uno de los ambientes más elevados de los Andes

tropicales, “phrynos”, del griego para sapo, y el sufijo diminutivo en Latín,

“-ella” ...”). In the synonymy of Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870.

paranaensis: P. Paraná, name of a river and a Brazilian state (from T. pará-nã,

which is similar to the sea) + L. -ensis, belonging to a place. Eleutherodactylus

paranaensis Langone & Segalla, 1996. (“... El epíteto específico hace

referencia al nombre de la localidad y del Estado en el que fue colectado

...”). Today Ischnocnema paranaensis (Langone & Segalla, 1996).

paranaiba: T. paranaiba, parnaiba, muddy-watered or large river. Hypsiboas

paranaiba Carvalho et al., 2010. T (“... refers to the Paranaíba River, which

flows through most of the northern border of the Triângulo Mineiro region,

and is close to the sites where the type-series of H. paranaiba was collected

...”). Today Boana paranaiba (Carvalho et al., 2010).

paranaru: T. paranã, sea + T. aru, frog (in the tembé-ténêtéhar dialect). Leptodactylus

paranaru Magalhães et al., 2020. (“... reference to the new species

restricted occurrence along the Brazilian southeastern coastal zone,

which can be found at fresh or brackish water bodies a few meters from the

shore ...”).

Paratelmatobius: L. para-, near + L. Telmatobius, genus of anurans due to Wiegmann,

1834 [in turn, from G. telmatos (τέλματος), stagnant water, pond,

marsh, lagoon + G. bios (βίος), existence or condition of being alive; life].

Paratelmatobius B. Lutz & Carvalho, 1958. (“... Paratelmatobius parece formar

um elo entre as formas do gênero brasileiro Cyclorhamphus Tschudi,

1838, endêmico nas nossas serras costeiras, e as formas andinas, pertencentes

aos gêneros Telmatobius Wiegmann, 1835 e Batrachophrynus Peters,

1873 ...”). The same root in Paratelmatobiinae Ohler & Dubois, 2012.


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