RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...

RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...

RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...


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98 Chapter 6. Algebraic insolubility <strong>of</strong> the quintic<br />

an application to a specific numerical example.<br />

“As for the talented Mr. <strong>Abel</strong>, I will be happy to present his treatise to the<br />

Royal Academy <strong>of</strong> Science. It shows, even if the goal has not been reached, an extraordinary<br />

head and extraordinary insights, especially for someone his age. Nevertheless,<br />

I excuse myself to require the condition that Mr. A. sends an elaborated<br />

deduction <strong>of</strong> his result together with a numerical example, taken from, for instance,<br />

an equation such as x 5 − 2x 4 + 3x 2 − 4x + 5 = 0. I believe that this will be a rather<br />

necessary lapis lydius [Lydian stone] for him, as I recall what happened to Meier<br />

Hirsche 3 and his ενρηκα [Eureka]; item [furthermore] I would, since the latter part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the communicated manuscript would not be easily readable to the majority <strong>of</strong><br />

the members <strong>of</strong> the Academy, ask for another copy <strong>of</strong> it.” 4<br />

We have no indication that ABEL ever produced an elaborated deduction; appar-<br />

ently the numerical examples worked their part — as the probes <strong>of</strong> truth — as DEGEN<br />

had suggested and led ABEL to a radically new insight. In 1824, he published, at his<br />

own expense, a short work in French entitled Mémoire sur les équations algébriques ou<br />

l’on démontre l’impossibilité de la résolution de l’équation générale du cinquième degré. 5 It<br />

demonstrated the impossibility <strong>of</strong> solving the general equation <strong>of</strong> the fifth degree by<br />

algebraic means — ABEL had left the last essential requirement out <strong>of</strong> the title. ABEL<br />

intended the memoir to be his best introduction on his planned tour <strong>of</strong> the Continent.<br />

Since he had to pay for the publication himself, he compressed the pro<strong>of</strong> to cover<br />

only six pages and his style <strong>of</strong> presentation suffered accordingly. In numerous points<br />

he was unclear or left advanced arguments out. When ABEL came into contact with<br />

A. L. CRELLE (1780–1855) in Berlin, he found himself in a position to make his dis-<br />

covery available to a broader public. He rewrote the argument elaborating the ideas<br />

<strong>of</strong> the 1824 pro<strong>of</strong>, and had CRELLE translate it into German for publication in the very<br />

first issue <strong>of</strong> Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik which appeared in 1826. 6<br />

Through this paper — and the French report <strong>of</strong> it, 7 which ABEL wrote for the Bulletin<br />

des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques, physiques et chimiques edited by BARON DE<br />

FERRUSAC (1776–1836) 8 — the world gradually came to know that a young Norwe-<br />

gian had settled the question <strong>of</strong> solubility <strong>of</strong> the general quintic in the negative.<br />

3 M. HIRSCHE (1765–1851) was a teacher <strong>of</strong> mathematics in Berlin who in 1809 published a collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> exercises. <strong>The</strong>re, he thought he had given the general solution to all equations. He quickly discovered<br />

his error, perhaps by a Lydian probe as DEGEN recommends. (N. H. <strong>Abel</strong>, 1902e, Oplysninger<br />

til Brevene, p. 125)<br />

4 “Hvad den talentfulde Hr. <strong>Abel</strong> angaar, da vil jeg med Fornøielse fremlægge hans Afhandling for<br />

det Kgl. V. S. Den viser, om end ikke Maalet skulde være opnaaet, et ualmindeligt Hoved og ualmindelige<br />

Indsigter, især i hans Alder. Dog maatte jeg som Bøn tilføie den Betingelse: At Hr. A. sender<br />

en udførligere Deduction af sit Resultat og tillige et numerisk Exempel, tagen f. Ex. af en Ligning<br />

som denne: x 5 − 2x 4 + 3x 2 − 4x + 5 = 0. Dette vil efter min Overbevisning være en saare nødvendig<br />

lapis lydius for ham Selv, da man veed, hvorledes det gik Meier Hirsche med hans ενρηκα; item<br />

maatte jeg, da den sidste Deel af den mig communicerede Afh. ikke vilde være ret læselig for de fleeste<br />

af S.’s Medlemmer, udbede mig en anden Afskrift af samme.” (Degen→Hansteen, Kjøbenhavn,<br />

1821/05/21. N. H. <strong>Abel</strong>, 1902b, 93).<br />

5 (N. H. <strong>Abel</strong>, 1824b).<br />

6 (N. H. <strong>Abel</strong>, 1826a).<br />

7 (N. H. <strong>Abel</strong>, 1826c).<br />

8 Dates from (Stubhaug, 1996, 580).

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