RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...

RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...

RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...


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5.1. Algebraic solubility before LAGRANGE 63<br />

<strong>The</strong> quotation illustrates how EULER’S conjecture amounted to the algebraic solu-<br />

bility <strong>of</strong> all polynomial equations. Returning to the problem, EULER sought to provide<br />

further evidence for his conjecture. 21<br />

EULER was led to a related problem concerning the multiplicity <strong>of</strong> values <strong>of</strong> rad-<br />

icals. By calculating the number <strong>of</strong> values <strong>of</strong> the multi-valued function consisting <strong>of</strong><br />

n − 1 radicals<br />

n√ A + n √ B + n√ C + n√ D + . . . ,<br />

EULER found that the function had n n−1 essentially different values, which apparently<br />

contradicted the fact that the equation <strong>of</strong> degree n should only have n roots. In a paper<br />

written in 1759, EULER refined his hypothesis <strong>of</strong> 1732 and conjectured that the roots<br />

<strong>of</strong> the resolvent A, B, C, D were dependent. EULER’S new conjecture was that the root<br />

would be expressible in the form<br />

x = ω + A n√ v + B n√ v 2 + C n√ v 3 + · · · + D n√ v n−1 ,<br />

where the coefficients ω, A, B, C, . . . , D were rational functions <strong>of</strong> the coefficients, and<br />

the n − 1 other roots would be obtained by attributing to n√ v the n − 1 other values<br />

a n√ v, b n√ v, c n√ v . . . where a, b, c were the different n th roots <strong>of</strong> unity. 22 As will be illus-<br />

trated in chapter 7.1.2, N. H. ABEL (1802–1829) used a similar kind <strong>of</strong> argument.<br />

20 “8. Ex his etiamsi tribus tantum casibus tamen non sine sufficienti ratione mihi concludere videor<br />

superiorum quoque aequationum dari huiusmodi aequationes resolventes. Sic proposita aequatione<br />

coniicio dari aequationem ordinis quarti<br />

cuius radices si sint A, B, C et D, fore<br />

Et generatim aequationis<br />

x 5 = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d<br />

z 4 = αz 3 − βz 2 + γz − δ,<br />

x = 5√ A + 5√ B + 5√ C + 5√ D.<br />

x n = ax n−2 + bx n−3 + cx n−4 + etc.<br />

aequatio resolvens, prout suspicor, erit huius formae<br />

z n−1 = αz n−2 − βz n−3 + γz n−4 − etc.<br />

cuius cognitis radicibus omnibus numero n − 1, quae sint A, B, C, D etc., erit<br />

x = n√ A + n√ B + n√ C + n√ D + etc.<br />

Haec igitur coniectura si esset veritati consentanea atque si aequationes resolventes possent determinari,<br />

cuiusque aequationis in promtu foret radices assignare; perpetuo enim pervenitur ad<br />

aequationem ordine inferiorem hocque modo progrediendo tandem vera aequationis propositae<br />

radix innotescet.” (L. Euler, 1732b, 7–8); for a German translation, see (L. Euler, 1788–1791, vol. 3,<br />

9–10).<br />

21 (F. Rudio, 1921, ix–x).<br />

22 (ibid., x–xi).

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