RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...

RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...

RePoSS #11: The Mathematics of Niels Henrik Abel: Continuation ...


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200 Chapter 10. Toward rigorization <strong>of</strong> analysis<br />

series in which the numerical value <strong>of</strong> the general term vanished monotonically, i.e.<br />

series ∑ an for which the sequence |an| was monotonically decreasing and approached<br />

zero. 22 <strong>The</strong> vanishing <strong>of</strong> terms, clearly contrasted to the convergence <strong>of</strong> the partial<br />

sums, can be found in an unpublished manuscript written by GAUSS probably after<br />

1831. 23<br />

“By convergence <strong>of</strong> an infinite series, I will simply understand nothing but the<br />

infinite approaching <strong>of</strong> its terms toward 0 when the series is infinitely continued.<br />

<strong>The</strong> convergence <strong>of</strong> a series in itself is thus to be distinguished from the convergence<br />

<strong>of</strong> its summation toward a finite limit; however, the latter implies the former<br />

but not the other way around.” 24<br />

Exactly which concept <strong>of</strong> convergence, GAUSS had in mind in his research on the<br />

hypergeometric series can seem unclear. From a modern perspective, we are tempted<br />

to assume that GAUSS interpreted convergence as convergence <strong>of</strong> the partial sums and<br />

interpret GAUSS’ comparison <strong>of</strong> subsequent terms as an implicit quotient criterion.<br />

However, GAUSS’ reasoning can equally well be interpreted within the older concept<br />

<strong>of</strong> D’ALEMBERT-convergence. 25<br />

In terms <strong>of</strong> the development described in the next chapter, GAUSS’ investigation<br />

on the hypergeometric series is important in three respects:<br />

1. GAUSS’ investigation was confined to a particular series, albeit one with three<br />

parameters which enabled GAUSS to model a number <strong>of</strong> transcendental func-<br />

tions using it.<br />

2. GAUSS insisted on establishing the convergence <strong>of</strong> the series before speaking <strong>of</strong><br />

its sum. He used an implicit theorem — apparently equivalent to the ratio test 26<br />

(see subsequent chapters) — to determine restrictions on the variable x.<br />

3. Despite aiming at “the rigorous methods <strong>of</strong> the ancient geometers” 27 , GAUSS’<br />

theory <strong>of</strong> infinite series as expressed in the paper on the hypergeometric series<br />

was rudimentary and not spelled out in much detail. For instance, it is not com-<br />

pletely clear precisely what his basic notions meant.<br />

22 (Grabiner, 1981b, 60).<br />

23 (Schneider, 1981, 55–56).<br />

24 “Ich werde unter Convergenz, einer unendlichen Reihe schlechthin beigelegt, nichts anders verstehen<br />

als die beim unendlichen Fortschreiten der Reihe eintretende unendliche Annäherung ihrer<br />

Glieder an die 0. Die Convergenz einer Reihe an sich ist also wohl zu unterscheiden von der Convergenz<br />

ihrer Summirung zu einem endlichen Grenzwerthe; letztere schliesst zwar die erstere ein,<br />

aber nicht umgekehrt.” (C. F. Gauss, Fa, Kapsel 46a, A1–A13, 400).<br />

25 In most <strong>of</strong> the (earlier) secondary literature, e.g. (Pringsheim, 1898–1904, 79), GAUSS’ emphasis on<br />

establishing the convergence <strong>of</strong> the hypergeometric series and his use <strong>of</strong> the quotient comparison<br />

have been taken as precursors <strong>of</strong> the rigorization program (see next chapter). SCHNEIDER has aptly<br />

interpreted GAUSS’ concept <strong>of</strong> convergence in terms <strong>of</strong> the sequence <strong>of</strong> terms (Schneider, 1981, 56).<br />

26 <strong>The</strong> ratio test is also sometimes called the quotient test but I will use the term ratio test, throughout.<br />

27 “Ostendemus autem, et quidem, in gratiam eorum, qui methodis rigorosis antiquorum geometrarum<br />

favent, omni rigore.” (C. F. Gauss, 1813, 139).

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