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ébé. Ces résultats <strong>de</strong> la recherche biomédica<strong>le</strong> <strong>de</strong>vront être intégrés à la pratique clinique selon <strong>le</strong> principed’une pratique médica<strong>le</strong> fondée sur <strong>de</strong>s données probantes.RÉFÉRENCES1. Eng<strong>le</strong>, W.A., Age terminology during the perinatal period. Pediatrics, 2004. 114(5): p. 1362-4.2. Les indicateurs <strong>de</strong> la santé périnata<strong>le</strong> au Canada : Manuel <strong>de</strong> référencePublished by authority of the Minister of Health, 2000.3. Joseph, K.S., et al., Determinants of preterm birth rates in Canada from 1981 through 1983 and from 1992through 1994. N Engl J Med, 1998. 339(20): p. 1434-9.4. Ministère <strong>de</strong> la Santé et <strong>de</strong>s Services Sociaux du Québec, 2002.5. Moss, T.J., Respiratory consequences of preterm birth. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 2006. 33(3): p. 280-4.6. Jaubert, J., J. Cheng, and J.A. Segre, Ectopic expression of kruppel like factor 4 (Klf4) acce<strong>le</strong>rates formation ofthe epi<strong>de</strong>rmal permeability barrier. Development, 2003. 130(12): p. 2767-77.7. Furuse, M., et al., Claudin-based tight junctions are crucial for the mammalian epi<strong>de</strong>rmal barrier: a <strong>le</strong>ssonfrom claudin-1-<strong>de</strong>ficient mice. J Cell Biol, 2002. 156(6): p. 1099-111.8. Turksen, K. and T.C. Troy, Permeability barrier dysfunction in transgenic mice overexpressing claudin 6.Development, 2002. 129(7): p. 1775-84.9. Han<strong>le</strong>y, J.M., J.L. Pierce, and W.F. Gayton, Positive attitu<strong>de</strong>s towards suntanning and reported ten<strong>de</strong>ncy toengage in lifesty<strong>le</strong> behaviors that increase risk of skin cancer. Psychol Rep, 1996. 79(2): p. 417-8.10. Van Overmeire, B. and S. Chemtob, The pharmacologic closure of the patent ductus arteriosus. Semin FetalNeonatal Med, 2005. 10(2): p. 177-84.11. Hunter, C.J., et al., Un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the susceptibility of the premature infant to necrotizing enterocolitis(NEC). Pediatr Res, 2008. 63(2): p. 117-23.12. McMurtry, I.F., Introduction: pre- and postnatal lung <strong>de</strong>velopment, maturation, and plasticity. Am J PhysiolLung Cell Mol Physiol, 2002. 282(3): p. L341-4.13. Copland, I. and M. Post, Lung <strong>de</strong>velopment and fetal lung growth. Paediatr Respir Rev, 2004. 5 Suppl A: p.S259-64.14. Costa, R.H., V.V. Kalinichenko, and L. Lim, Transcription factors in mouse lung <strong>de</strong>velopment and function.Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2001. 280(5): p. L823-38.15. Warburton, D., et al., The mo<strong>le</strong>cular basis of lung morphogenesis. Mech Dev, 2000. 92(1): p. 55-81.49

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