20.01.2013 Aufrufe

Freundschaftsreise - Deutsch - Japanische Gesellschaft ( DJG ...

Freundschaftsreise - Deutsch - Japanische Gesellschaft ( DJG ...

Freundschaftsreise - Deutsch - Japanische Gesellschaft ( DJG ...


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even legs this time. The tanuki didn't realize him. Yet the priest felt weird and left the kitchen.<br />

At last he made up his mind to sell it off.<br />

A curio dealer came to the temple. At first glance he found it was an excellent teakettle. But he<br />

suggested a cheap price as if it were worth nothing. Unexpectedly the priest answered,<br />

"All right, all right. Take it away soon."<br />

The dealer was pleased very much because he would be able to make a profit on it. He went<br />

back holding it happily and put it in his shop. It looked every inch valuable and splendid<br />

teakettle.<br />

At the night, as he heard some noise in the shop, he went down and saw the teakettle with the<br />

tanuki'si head and tail dancing. He was astonished and sold it to another dealer next morning.<br />

The next dealer also was weird and sold it to another dealer. So did the next dealer and next.<br />

After the several dealers handed it over, an idea hit the last one.<br />

He planned showing the dancing kettle to the people and make a large profit. He built a cottage<br />

at an empty space in the town and called the people into the show collecting some admission<br />

fee.<br />

With clicks of wooden clappers and the music of a wooden flute and drums, the tanuki kettle<br />

started dancing getting into the rhythm. Here it came! The audience was excited and gave a big<br />

applause to the tanuki kettle. This rumor was spread widely into the town and more and more<br />

people had come to see it. The cottage was filled with people day after day. The last dealer got<br />

great deal of profit. And he kindly shared that earned money with his companies of the curio<br />

dealers.<br />

So that somebody named this teakettle "Bunbuku-Chagama".<br />

"bun" means to divide or share, "fuku or buke" means good luck or fortune and "chagama"<br />

means a teakettle in Japanese.<br />

The teakettle, however, danced no longer but kept sleeping as if it might have been too tired to<br />

dance since then. It was sent back to the Molin-ji Temple and has been treasured as an<br />

important and precious thing of the temple still now. ]<br />

Ashikaga<br />

Ashikaga mit seiner schönen Bergkulisse und vom Watarase-Fluss durchflossen ist mit fast<br />

165.000 Einwohnern heute bemüht, eine moderne Stadt zu sein, hat aber eine sehr alte Kultur<br />

und Tradition.<br />

Die beiden berühmtesten Kulturgüter sind die Ashikaga Gakko (Schule) und der Banna-ji<br />

(Tempel), der enge Verbindung zu dem Ashikaga-Shogunat hatte.<br />

Die Ashikaga Gakko ist die berühmte älteste Universität Japans und wurde 1921 zum<br />

wichtigen Kulturgut erklärt. An ihr konnte man bereits im Jahre 1410 Konfuzianismus,<br />

chinesische Medizin und Orakelwesen studieren. 1550 zählte man 3000 Studenten.<br />

Nach der Meiji-Restauration wurde die Schule auch für das Volk geöffnet, leider aber 1872<br />

geschlossen. 1981 begann man mit der Restaurierung.<br />

Das Gelände hat 3 Tore im chinesischen Stil, die alle von 1668 stammen.<br />

Der Schrein ist der älteste Konfuzius-Schrein, der in Japan noch existiert. Die sitzenden<br />

Figuren sind Konfuzius und Fürst Ono no Takamura, der den Schrein im Stil der chinesischen<br />

Ming-Dynastie errichten ließ. Die Konfuzius-Statue von 1535 gehört zu den Kulturschätzen der<br />

Tochigi-Präfektur.<br />

Links vor dem Eingang steht ein Baum mit Namen Kaiju. Man zog ihn aus Samen, die von<br />

einem Baum auf Konfuzius Grabmahl stammen.<br />


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