PDP11 PeripheralsHbk 1972 - Trailing-Edge

PDP11 PeripheralsHbk 1972 - Trailing-Edge

PDP11 PeripheralsHbk 1972 - Trailing-Edge


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1.2.2 Interrupt Structure<br />

If the appropriate interrupt enable bit is set, in the control and status register of a<br />

device, transition from 0 to 1 of the READY or ERROR bit causes an interrupt<br />

request to be issued to the processor. Also if READY or ERROR is a 1 when the interrupt<br />

enable is turned on, an interrupt request is made. If the device makes the<br />

request at a priority greater than that at which the processor is running and no<br />

other conflicts exist, the request is granted and the interrupt sequence takes<br />

place:<br />

a. the current program counter (PC) and processor status CPS) are pushed onto<br />

the processor stack;<br />

b. the new PC and PS are loaded from a pair of locations (the interrupt vector) in<br />

addressed memory, unique to the interrupting device.<br />

Since each device has a unique interrupt vector which dispatches control to the<br />

appropriate interrupt handling routine immediately, no device polling is required.<br />

Furthermore, since the PS contains the processor priority, the priority at which an<br />

interrupt request is serviced can be set under program control and is independent<br />

of the priority of the interrupt request. The Return from Interrupt Instruction<br />

CRT!) is used to reverse the action of the interrupt sequence. The top two words<br />

on the stack are popped into the PC and PS, returning control to the interrupted<br />

sequence.<br />

1.2.3 Programming Example<br />

A paper tape reader interrupt service could appear as follows:<br />

First the user must initialize the service routine by specifying an address pointer<br />

and a word count<br />

INIT: MOV # BUFADR,POINTER ;set address pointer<br />


MOV # 101,PRS<br />

;set counter<br />

;enable reader program continues until interrupt<br />

When the interrupt occurs and is acknowledged, the processor stores the current<br />

PC and PS on the stack. Next it goes to the interrupt vector and picks up the new<br />

PC and PS beginning at location 70. When the program was loaded the address of<br />

PRSER would be put in location 70 and 200& in 72 (to set priority at 4). The next<br />

instruction executed is the first instruction of the device service routine at PRSER.<br />


DONE: RT[<br />





BEQ DONE<br />

INC PRS<br />

;test for error<br />

;branen if bit 15 set<br />

;move character to buffer<br />

;increment pointer<br />

;decrement character count<br />

;branch when input dOne<br />

;start reader for next character<br />

;retum to interrupt program<br />


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