Electrical Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems


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Characteristics and Performance of Transmission Lines 141<br />

By using eqns. (6.26) and (6.27), we obtain,<br />

V(x) = C1.e ax .e jbx + C2.e –ax .e –jbx<br />

...(6.49)<br />

Transforming eqn. (6.49) to time domain, the instantaneous voltage as a function of t and<br />

x becomes<br />

V(t, x) = 2 Real {C 1e ax e j(wt + bx) } + 2 Real {C 2.e –ax .e j(wt – bx) } ...(6.50)<br />

Note that V(x) in eqn. (6.49) is the rms phasor value of voltage at any point along the line.<br />

As x increases (moving from receiving end to sending end), the first term becomes larger<br />

because of e ax and is called the incident wave. The second term e –ax becomes smaller and is<br />

called the reflected wave. At any point along the line, voltage is the sum of two components.<br />

V(t, x) = V 1 (t, x) + V 2 (t, x) ...(6.51)<br />

where<br />

V 1 (t, x) = 2 C 1 e ax cos(w t + bx) ...(6.52)<br />

V 2 (t, x) = 2 C 2 e –ax cos(wt – bx) ...(6.53)<br />

As we move along the line, eqns. (6.52) and (6.53) behave like travelling waves. Now<br />

consider the reflected wave V 2 (t, x) and imagine that we are riding along with the wave. or<br />

observing instantaneous value, peak amplitude requires that<br />

wt – bx = 2 k p<br />

\ x = w<br />

b<br />

The speed can be given as<br />

\<br />

dx<br />

dt<br />

= w<br />

b<br />

2k<br />

p<br />

t - t<br />

b<br />

Thus, the velocity of propagation is given by v = w<br />

b<br />

= 2 f<br />

p<br />

b<br />

...(6.54)<br />

...(6.55)<br />

...(6.56)<br />

A complete voltage cycle along the line corresponds to a change of 2p radian in the angular<br />

argument bx. The corresponding line length is defined as the wavelength. If b is expressed in<br />

rad/mt.<br />

B l = 2p<br />

\ l = 2p<br />

b<br />

...(6.57)<br />

When line losses are neglected, i.e., when g = 0 and g = 0, then the real part of the<br />

propagation constant a = 0. rom eqn. (6.27)<br />

g = a + jb = zy = ( r + jwL) ( g + jwc) \ b = w LC ...(6.58)

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