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larvae of certaln Insects were unable to develop l~orli~ally on soybean products.<br />

Subsequently the trypslti inhibitors present 111 soybean uere shown to be toxic to the larv;ie<br />

of tlour beetle, Tri6oiilr111 co~rfirslr~~~ (Llpke et al.. 1954). Following tliese early studies.<br />

there I~JYC been riiany exa~i~ples of protcase ~~~l~ibrrors active against certalli inscct species.<br />

both in ~n vltro assays agalnst insect gut proteases (Panneticr et al. 1907: Koiwa et al.<br />

1998) and in in vivo artificial diet bioassays (Urwi~i ct al. 1997; Vain ct al. 1998). The tcrrn<br />

"protcase" includes both "endopeptidases" and "exopcptidases" wlierc:is, thc tcrlii<br />

"prote~nabe" 1s used to describc only "endopeptidases" (Ryan, 1900). Several lion-<br />

lloniologoi~s farnilres of proteinase<br />

inhibitors arc recognized anlong tlie animal,<br />

microorgaliisriis and plant kingdom. Maijority of protei11;ise rnhibitors studicd in plarlt<br />

kingdom originates fro111 three main fiimllies liarnely Ieguminosae, solanoceae and<br />

graniineae (Ricliardsoli, 199 I).<br />

A Iiirgr 11u111ber of protease rnliib~tor gc11i.s wit11 distilict niodes ofactioli liavc beeti<br />

isolated from a wide range of crop species. Drvelop~ne~it of tra~isgenic crops lia\,e coriic ;I<br />

long way from tlie tirst transgeliic developed by H~ldcr et al. (1987). Considering tlic I11gl1<br />

cornplex~ty of proteaselinhibitor interactions ill host pest systems and the d~versity of<br />

proteolytic elizyliies used by pests and palllogens ro liydrolyre dietary protelns or to cleave<br />

peptide bonds in more specific processes (Graham et al. 1997), the choice of an appropilate<br />

proreinane inhtb~tor (1'1) or set of PIS represents a primary determ~rl;int In the succcsa or<br />

failure of any pest control strategy relying 011 protease inliibition. Firstly, tlle choice of<br />

su~table PIS should be based oil a detailed understanding of the biological system assessed.<br />

Resistant biotypes of insects may evolve aAer prolonged exposure to selection pressure<br />

that is medlated by an insect~cidal proteln or plant resistance gene (Sparber, 1985). Seco~ld

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