Rack Palette - Operators Manual - Strand Lighting

Rack Palette - Operators Manual - Strand Lighting

Rack Palette - Operators Manual - Strand Lighting


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Macros and Show Control<br />

User Interface Macros<br />

The Scripts in the Macro Editor are very powerful, but especially powerful is the<br />

HC.UIMacro() call. Using this call alone, properly formatted, you can almost<br />

completely automate a console as if someone was pressing the buttons (very<br />

quickly).<br />

If you have not already familiarized yourself with the syntax and operation of Scripts,<br />

it would be good to review the topic Macro Editor and Scripts. Once you have an<br />

handle on that, writing the HC.UIMacros is a snap. The format is:<br />

HC.UIMacro('macro-info'[,'macro-info'...])<br />

For example:<br />

HC.UIMacro('1/10@5{enter})<br />

HC.UIMacro('1/5{enter}','{selectodd}@0{enter}')<br />

HC.UIMacro('{M1}')<br />

The accepted characters that do not have to be enclosed in {}'s are 0 through 9 and<br />

the characters +, - , . , / , < and @. The text inside the braces is case insensitive.<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

-<br />

.<br />

/<br />

+<br />

<<br />

@<br />

@Cue<br />

@level<br />

@Q<br />

AtCue<br />

atlevel<br />

backspace<br />

block<br />

Clear<br />

ClearCommandLine<br />

col<br />

color<br />

colour<br />

copy<br />

cue<br />

cuetime<br />

del<br />

delay<br />

delete<br />

DeleteCueOnly<br />

DeleteQOnly<br />

DeleteRetain<br />

DeleteRetainData<br />

DeleteTrack<br />

DelQOnly<br />

DelRetain<br />

DelRetainData<br />

DeleteTrack<br />

DelTrack<br />

DelTracking<br />

DelAndTrack<br />

displayattributes<br />

displayblind<br />

displaylevels<br />

displaylive<br />

displaypatch<br />

displaytimes<br />

end<br />

enter<br />

FirstCue<br />

FlashDMX<br />

FlashChannel<br />

FlashOutput<br />

follow<br />

gobo<br />

group<br />

highlight<br />

home<br />

InTime<br />

LastCue<br />

lens<br />

link<br />

load<br />

look<br />

loop<br />

m1<br />

m2<br />

m3<br />

m4<br />

m5<br />

m6<br />

m7<br />

m8<br />

m9<br />

m10<br />

m11<br />

m12<br />

MIB<br />

MIBTime<br />

move<br />

next<br />

out<br />

pagedown<br />

pageup<br />

pgdn<br />

pgup<br />

pos<br />

position<br />

prev<br />

rec<br />

record<br />

rel<br />

release<br />

ReleaseAllPB<br />

ReleaseInTime<br />

RelInTime<br />

remdim<br />

SelCap<br />

SelDown<br />

SelectCaptured<br />

SelectDn<br />

SelectDown<br />

SelectEven<br />

SelectInvert<br />

SelectOdd<br />

SelectOn<br />

SelectPrevious<br />

SelectUp<br />

SelEven<br />

SelInv<br />

SelOdd<br />

SelOn<br />

SelPrev<br />

SelUp<br />

spec<br />

special<br />

stepback<br />

stepforward<br />

thruon<br />

unblock<br />

update<br />

updt<br />

wait<br />

Note:<br />

287 <strong>Palette</strong> OS Operations <strong>Manual</strong>

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