Coincidance - Principia Discordia

Coincidance - Principia Discordia

Coincidance - Principia Discordia


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continued to proliferate. It seemed to me, and still seems to me, that<br />

sado-masochism plays a far larger role in "normal" psychology than most<br />

commentators realize; my fascination with the theories of Dr. Wilhelm<br />

Reich is largely based on the fact that he explored this subject with more<br />

insight and courage than most Freudians, who are aware of it but prefer not<br />

to notice or speak about its political implications.<br />

Let me make it clear that I am not the same kind of "pacifist" as Gandhi or<br />

Joan Baez. I am not as "moral" as those noble souls, and certainly not as<br />

dogmatic and self-righteous; I do not feel comfortable sitting on a perch of<br />

assumed "moral" superiority and lecturing down at the "sinners" below me. 1<br />

have always had a basically scientific worldview (however eccentric it is is<br />

some respects) and have never believed in metaphysical "evil." I tend to think<br />

that all the violent sadism in the world, which horrifies me emotionally, is<br />

still perfectly natural and is the inevitable product of the past 3 billion years<br />

of evolution. 1 suspect that all viable planets pass through similarly bloody<br />

stages in the evolution upward to higher and higher consciousness. I am<br />

almost entirely lacking in "morality" in the conventional sense, and find it<br />

hard to despise any organism—fish, reptile or mammal. Since I am also a<br />

relativist rather than an absolutist, I have no hesitation about being violent<br />

in self-defense, and Gandhi and Ms. Baez would regard me as a very sinful<br />

chap indeed.<br />

My brand of pacifism is based, first of all, on my own emotional<br />

repugnance for cruelty toward women and children (modern warfare being<br />

increasingly destructive to civilians, including women and children). Such an<br />

emotional prejudice is admittedly personal and subjective and not expected<br />

to move anybody who sincerely likes the idea of bombs and napalm<br />

dropping on defenseless populations; but my pacifism is also based upon<br />

factors which 1 believe can be proven to be in the rational self-interest of all.<br />

That is, I agree with Einstein and Bertrand Russell and the whole band of<br />

radical scientists who assert that we are very unlikely to survive a nuclear war.<br />

Even here I am a heretic. I think we as a species might possibly survive<br />

one nuclear war, if it is a short one and limited. 1 believe Hermann Kahn is<br />

right in claiming that such a limited nuclear war is statistically slightly more<br />

likely than the Holocaust predicted in professional pacifist agit-prop.<br />

Nonetheless, it seems obvious to me that we cannot survive a series of<br />

nuclear wars—at some point, the death of Earth will become inevitable—<br />

and I am not sure that even a limited nuclear war will remain limited when<br />

one side sees that it is losing, in short, I think if we are to survive, we have to<br />

ban warfare eventually, and the risk gets worse every year as more and<br />

more scientific brains work on the problem Bucky Fuller defined bitterly as<br />

"delivering more and more explosive power over longer and longer

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