Coincidance - Principia Discordia

Coincidance - Principia Discordia

Coincidance - Principia Discordia


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undertaken before publishing on the subject of vultures, could have<br />

prevented such a blunder; but the Fathers were interested in logic, pure<br />

logic, and facts were notoriously as illogical as feelings.<br />

Of course, all this was a big pretense. Mr. Murdstone told David<br />

Copperheld's mother that her loving kindness was less "rational" than his<br />

sadism, and perhaps even believed it himself, but any psychologist will<br />

realize that Murdstone happened to enjoy caning little boys on the buttocks,<br />

just as many Englishmen (for reasons peculiar to that culture) still do. So,<br />

too, it is hard to escape the conclusion that the church fathers enjoyed<br />

bullying, torturing and especially frightening others, just as the members of<br />

the Gestapo did. De Sade in his marvelously frank way analyzed the joy in<br />

frightening people as a refined form of the sadistic compulsions that drove<br />

him, and many psychoanalysts have noted the same connection. Sermons<br />

on hell, to hysterical and fainting congregations, are the psychological<br />

equivalent of the racks, whips, iron boots and other overtly sadistic<br />

implements of the Holy Inquisition.<br />

The exact number of people killed in the various witch-hunts, crusades,<br />

inquisitions, religious wars, etc., is not recorded anywhere, but the total<br />

must run into the tens of millions; Homer Smith, an atheist, arrives at a<br />

figure of 60,000,000 in his Man and His Gods, but he is exaggerating (I hope).<br />

One Roman pagan skeptically remarked in the 4th Century A.D., that<br />

"there is no wild beast more blood-thirsty than an angry theologian." He had<br />

only seen the beginning of the feuds between various sects of Christians;<br />

the fury rolled on for another 13 centuries before it began to abate. Of<br />

course, Homer Smith's estimate of 60,000,000 victims is obtained by<br />

including all the Moslems killed in the several Crusades, and the non-Whites<br />

in Africa that the Americans and Oceana wiped out in the process of<br />

Christianizing the world. For Europe itself the very careful G. Rattray<br />

Taylor arrives at conclusions that make Hitler seem like a piker compared to<br />

the churchmen:<br />

In Spain, Torquemada personally sent 10,220 persons to the stake. . . .<br />

Counting those killed for other heresies, the persecutions were responsible<br />

for reducing the population of Spain from twenty million to six million in<br />

two hundred years.... While the well-known estimate of the total death-toll,<br />

from Roman times onward, of nine million is probably somewhat too high,<br />

it can safely be said that more persons were put to death than were killed in<br />

all the European wars fought up to 1914.*<br />

Let us all piously hope that the current mood of tolerance among<br />

Christian clergymen is not just a passing fad but that it represents a real<br />

break with their tradition<br />

*Taylor, op. cit., p. 127

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