Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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5 - 4 LEXA ET AL.: COLLISION IN WEST CARPATHIANSFigure 2. Idealized E-W cross section showing pre-Cretaceous <strong>structural</strong> <strong>and</strong> metamorphic pattern <strong>of</strong>the studied area. Insets show Variscan (Gelnica, Rakovec, <strong>and</strong> Klátov Formations) <strong>and</strong> Jurassic (Bôrkanappe) metamorphic PT conditions. The eastern ‘‘unknown’’ block represents hypothetical active marginduring closure <strong>of</strong> Meliata ocean. The legend is same as for Figure 1.metamorphic foliation <strong>and</strong> relics <strong>of</strong> sedimentary bedding aredipping conformably to the NNW. The metamorphic grade<strong>and</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> <strong>structural</strong> transposition are gradually vanishingto the south.[10] Already consolidated Rakovec <strong>and</strong> Gelnica Groupsare discordantly covered by Early Carboniferous flysch <strong>and</strong>Permian clastics <strong>of</strong> ‘‘red bed’’ type. Sedimentation wasterminated by the development <strong>of</strong> Late Permian-EarlyTriassic evaporite formations. The metamorphism <strong>of</strong> Permianclastics yielded temperatures <strong>of</strong> 200–250°C [Šucha <strong>and</strong>Eberl, 1992].2.1.3. Mesozoic Meliata Accretionary Wedge <strong>and</strong>Superficial Triassic Nappe[11] Mesozoic sequences are located mainly along thesouthern margin <strong>of</strong> the Gemer Unit, locally rimming itsnorthern margin or forming klippens on the Gemer Unit.The bottom part <strong>of</strong> the Meliata accretionary wedge isformed by the sequence <strong>of</strong> thrust sheets (initially thesouthern slope <strong>of</strong> the European continent) consisting <strong>of</strong>thinned continental margin, Permian clastics, Triassic limestones<strong>and</strong> blueschist facies metabasalts (Figure 2) (380–460°C at 9–13 kbar [Faryad, 1995]).[12] These rocks are overlain by subduction-relatedmelange composed <strong>of</strong> deep-water oceanic sediments <strong>of</strong> theMeliata ocean <strong>and</strong> relics <strong>of</strong> oceanic mantle rocks. Theuppermost part <strong>of</strong> the accretionary wedge is composed <strong>of</strong>Triassic (Turňa) carbonates, shales <strong>and</strong> pelagic sediments <strong>of</strong>northern slope <strong>of</strong> the Apulian continent. The high pressurerocks <strong>of</strong> the Meliata accretionary wedge exhibit strongductile <strong>and</strong> polyphase deformation <strong>of</strong> all lithologies. Themylonitic foliation is generally dipping to the east, bears anintense southeast plunging stretching lineation <strong>and</strong> kinematicindicators, such as sigmoidal pebbles <strong>of</strong> metabasalts, whichsuggest top to the northwest transport. The Turňa shalesshow very low grade metamorphic overprint <strong>and</strong> locallydeveloped slaty cleavage subparallel to the bedding.[13] The accretionary wedge <strong>and</strong> the underlying GemerUnit are tectonically overlain by extensive horizontallylying Silica nappe derived from the Apulian shelf. The base<strong>of</strong> the nappe is composed <strong>of</strong> Late Permian-Early Triassicevaporites <strong>and</strong> shales followed by Middle <strong>and</strong> Late Triassiccarbonates, which were affected by brittle faulting [Hók etal., 1995].2.2. Summary <strong>of</strong> Pre-Cretaceous TectonometamorphicEvolution <strong>of</strong> the Studied Area[14] The metamorphic <strong>and</strong> <strong>structural</strong> patterns describedabove are consistent with north-south polarity <strong>of</strong> the Variscanorogenic evolution marked by southward thrusting <strong>of</strong>deep-seated lower crustal <strong>and</strong> middle crustal complexesover low-grade forel<strong>and</strong>. The Vepor Unit is regarded as arelic <strong>of</strong> the Variscan internal domain in which the anatecticlower crust is thrust over the middle crustal Barroviancomplex. The original Paleozoic relationship between Vepor<strong>and</strong> Gemer Units is largely obscured by later Mesozoicevolution. North dipping pre-Mesozoic fabrics <strong>and</strong> increasein metamorphic grade from the south to the north in both theGemer <strong>and</strong> Vepor Units suggest an existence <strong>of</strong> N-S polarity<strong>of</strong> Paleozoic orogeny [Faryad, 1990]. On the basis <strong>of</strong> thesedata, the Klátov <strong>and</strong> Rakovec groups may be interpreted asrelics <strong>of</strong> an Early Paleozoic basin underthrust beneath thehigh-grade rocks <strong>of</strong> the internal domain represented by theVepor Unit exposed in the north. In our model the wholenappe stack was further thrust over Early Paleozoic basinrepresented by the Gelnica Group, which is probablyunderlain by a Neo-Proterozoic basement (Figure 2). Thelack <strong>of</strong> thrust-related structures in Middle Carboniferousmetasediments indicates that the nappe stacking occurred inpre-Westfalian times.[15] The southward thrusting <strong>of</strong> high-grade gneisses overthe low-grade mostly metasedimentary forel<strong>and</strong> formed twopromontories separated by embayment <strong>of</strong> weakly metamorphosedsediments. This irregular geometric distribution <strong>of</strong>gneissic complexes <strong>and</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t sediments played a critical rolein the subsequent Mesozoic tectonic evolution.[16] The last major pre-Cretaceous tectonic event responsiblefor the final <strong>structural</strong> pattern was the Jurassic southeastwardsubduction (in recent coordinates) <strong>of</strong> the Meliataocean <strong>and</strong> the southern passive margin <strong>of</strong> the Europeanplatform. This process resulted in formation <strong>of</strong> an accretionarywedge <strong>and</strong> its northwestward obduction over both88

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