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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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DTD 5ARTICLE IN PRESS8L. Baratoux et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Structural Geology xx (xxxx) 1–24character <strong>of</strong> the metabasites compared with those in thegarnet <strong>and</strong> staurolite zones. Brownish green ferroanpargasitic grains <strong>of</strong> hornblende with aspect ratios <strong>of</strong> 2–4are arranged parallel to the S 2 fabric (Fig. 4c). They displaymutual equilibrated straight grain boundaries typical <strong>of</strong>high-grade amphibolite textures (Brodie <strong>and</strong> Rutter, 1985).Unlike the staurolite zone where the plagioclase (An 30–60 )tends to form layers, we observe isolated grains <strong>and</strong>aggregates <strong>of</strong> plagioclase surrounded by elongate <strong>and</strong> welloriented crystals <strong>of</strong> amphibole (Fig. 3e). Chemical zonality<strong>and</strong> a large span <strong>of</strong> plagioclase compositions evolvingtowards anorthite document prograde metamorphic growthassociated with dynamic recrystallization (Yund <strong>and</strong> Tullis,1991) (Fig. 4d).The hinge zones <strong>of</strong> micro-crenulations are very narrow<strong>and</strong> the amphibole grains tend to reorient parallel with thefold axial planes without any bending <strong>and</strong> fracturing (Fig.3f). The hornblende grains show straight boundaries, localdecussate structures, <strong>and</strong> a similar aspect ratio <strong>and</strong> size tothose within limb zones. Plagioclase reaches slightly higheraspect ratios <strong>and</strong> grain size compared with the limbs. Allthese features together with the absence <strong>of</strong> any compositionalzoning <strong>of</strong> the pargasitic hornblende (Fig. 4c)indicate grain growth related to prograde metamorphism(Vernon, 1976).3.4. Western area <strong>of</strong> the massif (the sillimanite zone <strong>of</strong> thepluton aureole)Unlike the zones described above, brown pargasitichornblende rich in Ti within the sillimanite zone <strong>of</strong> thepluton aureole, exhibits straight or slightly concaveequilibrated boundaries <strong>and</strong> fairly low aspect ratios (1.5–2). It is difficult if not impossible to distinguish in thinsection the S 2 <strong>and</strong> S 3 fabrics. In most <strong>of</strong> the studied samplesthe pargasitic hornblende is associated with plagioclase(An 30–60 ) <strong>of</strong> similar aspect ratios <strong>and</strong> size <strong>and</strong> arranged intoa regular ’static’ foam-like structure (Fig. 3g). The latterexhibits straight growth-related twins. Plagioclase-rich <strong>and</strong>amphibole-rich compositional b<strong>and</strong>s are locally developed.Both minerals attain the same size ranging between 0.05 <strong>and</strong>0.5 mm. 1208 triple point junctions are formed byamphibole–amphibole, plagioclase–plagioclase, <strong>and</strong> evenamphibole–plagioclase grain boundaries. All <strong>of</strong> the featuresdescribed above are consistent with re-equilibration underhigh temperature conditions corresponding to the M 3 HT/LPmetamorphic overprint. The hinges <strong>of</strong> F 3 micr<strong>of</strong>olds areextremely rare but if present they show very similarmicro<strong>structural</strong> relations <strong>of</strong> hornblende <strong>and</strong> plagioclase tothat <strong>of</strong> the main fabric (Fig. 3h). A characteristic feature isthe growth <strong>of</strong> large elongate hornblende crystals parallel tothe axial plane <strong>of</strong> the F 3 micr<strong>of</strong>olds. The texture <strong>of</strong> theserocks bears a remarkable resemblance to the upperamphibolite to granulite facies example <strong>of</strong> Brodie <strong>and</strong>Rutter (1985, p. 155).4. Fold shape analysis4.1. Methods <strong>of</strong> quantitative analysisFor the purpose <strong>of</strong> the fold analysis, 3–6 photographs <strong>of</strong>representative fold types from each metamorphic zone(garnet, staurolite <strong>and</strong> sillimanite with a low degree <strong>of</strong> HToverprint) were selected (Fig. 5). The fold analysis could notbe carried out on the rocks from the pluton aureole because<strong>of</strong> the scarcity <strong>of</strong> macroscopic folds. The fold shapes,redrawn from photographs, were transformed by parallelprojection onto a plane perpendicular to the fold axis. Twoquantitative methods have been applied to quantify the foldshape: the method <strong>of</strong> Lisle (1997) based on Ramsay’s(1967) classification <strong>and</strong> the harmonic fold shape analysis <strong>of</strong>Hudleston (1973). The principles <strong>of</strong> these methods are givenin Appendix A.The method <strong>of</strong> Lisle is based on the polar projection <strong>of</strong>the normalized thickness <strong>of</strong> a folded layer. Each fold can becharacterized by a single number (the index F), whichexpresses the amount <strong>of</strong> flattening within each fold limb.Class 1 folds are characterized by positive F values (0 to N)<strong>and</strong> these give a measure <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> homogeneousflattening perpendicular to the axial plane required togenerate this fold shape from a parallel fold (class 1C forFO1, class 1B for FZ1 <strong>and</strong> class 1A for 0!F!1). Class 3folds are folds with strong thinning <strong>of</strong> the limbs (attenuatedfolds), typically developed in incompetent layers.These folds are characterized by negative F values (0 toKN). Lisle (1997) divided the field <strong>of</strong> class 3 folds intothree subfields with fold shape 3B marking the boundarybetween the newly defined 3A <strong>and</strong> 3C classes. Class 3Bfolds are defined as a ‘pure’ class 3 fold geometry fromwhich the other types (3A <strong>and</strong> 3C folds) develop by thesuperposition <strong>of</strong> flattening strains. Class 3A folds aregenerated from 3B by flattening in the direction normal tothe axial plane <strong>and</strong> have F values ranging from K1toKN.Class 3C folds are the result <strong>of</strong> flattening parallel to the axialplane <strong>and</strong> are relatively rare in the nature.Hudleston’s (1973) fold classification, based on theFourier harmonic analysis <strong>of</strong> folds, exploits the fact that thegeometry <strong>of</strong> a quarter wavelength is sufficient to characterizethat <strong>of</strong> the whole fold. The shape is approximated interms <strong>of</strong> its harmonics <strong>and</strong> it is found that the first two oddharmonics (coefficients b 1 <strong>and</strong> b 3 ) are sufficient toadequately describe the fold’s pr<strong>of</strong>ile shape. b 1 expressesthe amplitude <strong>of</strong> the fold pr<strong>of</strong>ile, b 3 is a measure <strong>of</strong> the‘angularity’ or ‘sharpness’ <strong>of</strong> the fold’s hinge. For sinewaves, b 3 Z0, for box-like folds b 3 O0 <strong>and</strong> for chevron-likefolds b 3 !0. The ratios <strong>of</strong> b 3 /b 1 describe a continuous series<strong>of</strong> shapes between the chevron <strong>and</strong> box-end members. Themethod for calculating b 1 <strong>and</strong> b 3 values is given inAppendix A.In the present analysis <strong>of</strong> fold shape, these two methodshave been combined by plotting b 1 values (a measure <strong>of</strong> theactive amplification <strong>of</strong> the fold) against F values (a measure116

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