Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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DTD 5ARTICLE IN PRESSL. Baratoux et al. / Journal <strong>of</strong> Structural Geology xx (xxxx) 1–24 3Fig. 1. (a) Geological map <strong>of</strong> the eastern margin <strong>of</strong> the Bohemian Massif. Inset shows location <strong>of</strong> the studied area in the frame <strong>of</strong> European Variscides. (b).Geological map <strong>of</strong> the Silesian domain based on the geological map 1:200,000 by Pouba (1962) <strong>and</strong> Roth (1962). Important thrust faults <strong>and</strong> normal faults areindicated. A–A 0 indicates the position <strong>of</strong> the cross-section in Fig. 2.Basement orthogneisses display rare upright folding.Metabasites <strong>and</strong> metasediments <strong>of</strong> the Devonian volcanosedimentarycover show well-developed mostly asymmetricF 3 folds with axial planes dipping to the NW or SE <strong>and</strong>subhorizontal NE–SW-trending hinges (Fig. 2a). The foldsize ranges from the microscopic grain-scale up to metresscalefolds. In the eastern <strong>and</strong> central parts <strong>of</strong> the Desnádome the D 3 deformation was post-peak metamorphic <strong>and</strong>took place under greenschist conditions as marked bygrowth <strong>of</strong> chlorite, muscovite <strong>and</strong> albite along axialcleavage <strong>of</strong> F 3 folds in metapelites (Schulmann <strong>and</strong>Gayer, 2000). However, it was contemporaneous with theemplacement <strong>of</strong> the Žulová granite in the west (Cháb <strong>and</strong>Žáček, 1994; Schulmann <strong>and</strong> Gayer, 2000), which resultedin the overprinting <strong>of</strong> the S 2 foliation by a NE–SW-trendingsteep <strong>and</strong> penetrative foliation S 2–3 (Fig. 2a).111

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