Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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122 L. BARATOUX ET AL.recrystallized plagioclase in middle or deepcrustal metabasic rocks are rare <strong>and</strong> restrictedto rocks with very high plagioclase modal abundancessuch as anorthosites (Ji et al. 1988).However, as mentioned by other authors (e.g.Brodie & Rutter 1985), b<strong>and</strong>ed metabasic mylonitesare common, which is confirmed by thiswork. We show that plagioclase may easilyform interconnected weak layer networks inhornblende gabbros under upper amphibolitefacies conditions.Our micro<strong>structural</strong> study <strong>of</strong> an amphibolitefacies metagabbro (650 _+ 50 ~ shows thatthe load-bearing framework structure (H<strong>and</strong>y1990, 1994) is restricted to the lowest deformationintensities. The non-deformed metagabbroshows coarse-grained ophitic structure composed<strong>of</strong> r<strong>and</strong>omly distributed hornblende <strong>and</strong> plagioclase,where amphibole grains are only locallyin contact. With ongoing strain, the deformationis mostly concentrated in the plagioclase, whichis at the transient region between brittle <strong>and</strong>plastic behaviour, leading to development <strong>of</strong> afine-grained matrix (Tullis & Yund 1987).Amphibole grains showing high internal strain<strong>and</strong> local fracturing behave as rigid bodies surroundedby interconnected layers <strong>of</strong> plagioclasegrains. Such microstructures may be interpretedas an interconnected weak layer structure(IWL) with a high viscosity contrast betweenrigid clasts <strong>of</strong> amphibole <strong>and</strong> weaker, finegrainedplagioclase layers (H<strong>and</strong>y et al. 1999).In the amphibolite facies metagabbroic mylohires,the monomineralic hornblende layers areobserved, while plagioclase-rich layers showalmost perfect mixing with hornblende. Thegrain size <strong>of</strong> plagioclase <strong>and</strong> amphibole in theplagioclase-rich matrix areas is fairly similar,the latter showing slightly higher elongation. Thephase distribution <strong>of</strong> plagioclase-hornblendemixture, the absence <strong>of</strong> CPO in plagioclase,<strong>and</strong> its aspect ratio suggest that the dominantmechanism is granular flow (grain boundarysliding). Based on this interpretation, wesuggest that the phase mixing is probably amechanical process. The microstructures <strong>and</strong>CPO <strong>of</strong> amphibole forming monomineraliclayers indicate either dislocation creep or cataclasticflow. The absence <strong>of</strong> boudinage <strong>and</strong> progressivemixing <strong>of</strong> plagioclase <strong>and</strong> amphibolesuggest that the diffusion-dominated flowprocess operating in plagioclase aggregates ismechanically as efficient as dislocation or cataclasticflow in the hornblende layers. The finalstructure resembles the interconnected weaklayer structure with low viscosity contrast(H<strong>and</strong>y 1994). A switch in deformation mechanismfrom dislocation creep towards a grain sizesensitive process is thought to be responsiblefor the convergence <strong>of</strong> mechanical properties <strong>of</strong>amphibole <strong>and</strong> plagioclase in the mylonite,resulting in a drop <strong>of</strong> bulk rock strength(Etheridge & Wilkie 1979; Kirby 1985; Rutter &Brodie 1988).Two deformation stages were observed in theupper amphibolite facies (750 -t- 50 ~ metagabbros:(1) augen mylonite with locally preservedporphyroclasts <strong>of</strong> both plagioclase <strong>and</strong> hornblende;<strong>and</strong> (2) b<strong>and</strong>ed mylonites with completelyrecrystallized amphibole <strong>and</strong> plagioclase,each arranged in monomineralic layers. Theinitial stages <strong>of</strong> deformation are characterizedby tectonic grain size reduction <strong>of</strong> plagioclasewhile hornblendes represent strong objects floatingin the weak plagioclase matrix. The deformation<strong>of</strong> the metagabbro is interpreted to haveoccurred via dislocation creep accompanied bydiffusion mass transfer mechanisms, responsiblefor moderate mixing <strong>of</strong> plagioclase <strong>and</strong> amphibole.The b<strong>and</strong>ed fabric, only developed at highstrains, can be defined as an interconnectedweak layer structure with low viscosity contrast(H<strong>and</strong>y et al. 1999). The layered structureshows that the strengths <strong>of</strong> amphibole monornineralicaggregates <strong>and</strong> plagioclase-rich b<strong>and</strong>sare similar, suggesting convergence <strong>of</strong> rheologies<strong>of</strong> both minerals at high strains (Jordan1988; H<strong>and</strong>y 1994).In conclusion, amphibolite <strong>and</strong> upper amphibolitefacies metagabbroic mylonites are characterizedby layered low-viscosity IWL structures.This indicates that at high strains this b<strong>and</strong>edstructure in metagabbros forms a so-calledsteady-state foliation (Means 1990). Mechanicalmixing <strong>of</strong> phases is more important in lowertemperature (eastern belt) than in higher temperature(western belt) amphibolite facies mylonites.The bulk strength <strong>of</strong> amphibolite <strong>and</strong>upper amphibolite facies mylonitic metagabbrosis controlled by an equal contribution <strong>of</strong> bothrock-forming minerals showing contrasting butequally efficient deformation mechanisms.We are indebted to D. Mainprice for his help with theEBSD <strong>analyses</strong>. Fruitful discussions with F. Holub, D. J.Prior, H. Stiinitz <strong>and</strong> J. Wheeler are gratefully acknowledged.We thank P. T~)cov~, J. Haloda, P. Gr<strong>and</strong>jean <strong>and</strong>P. Capiez for the help with microprobe <strong>and</strong> bulk rock <strong>analyses</strong>.K. Brodie, H. Van Roermund <strong>and</strong> D. Gapais arethanked for thorough reviews, which improved significantlythe original manuscript. The project was fundedby grants <strong>of</strong> Czech National Grant Agency No. 42-201-204 to K.S. <strong>and</strong> 42-201-318 to P. Stipskfi, by Czech GeologicalService assignment No. 6327 to P. Mixa, <strong>and</strong> by aPhD financial support attributed by the French governmentto L.B.274

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