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Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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5 - 14 LEXA ET AL.: COLLISION IN WEST CARPATHIANSthe <strong>structural</strong> evolution in the weak domain represented by theGemer Unit. Such a type <strong>of</strong> modeling could be used tovalidate chosen boundary conditions, i.e., the role <strong>of</strong> rigidpromontories for complex <strong>structural</strong> evolutions in terrainswith polyphase deformation.5.2. Timescales <strong>of</strong> the Proposed Model[44] The timescale <strong>of</strong> the model is controlled by velocity <strong>of</strong>the indenting block. We have chosen the arbitrary velocity <strong>of</strong>1 cm/yr for the sake <strong>of</strong> simplicity. However, in the case<strong>of</strong> Vepor <strong>and</strong> Gemer Units, we can define the velocity <strong>of</strong>movement <strong>of</strong> our kinematically fixed system. On the basis <strong>of</strong>the knowledge <strong>of</strong> approximate initial width <strong>and</strong> stratigraphicrecord <strong>of</strong> the Mesozoic (Fatric) basin in front <strong>of</strong> theVepor basement [Plašienka, 1997], the rate <strong>of</strong> shortening isestimated to be about 1 cm/yr, <strong>and</strong> the duration <strong>of</strong> theshortening process is estimated at about 20 Myr. Plašienka[1997] also demonstrated that the original frontal closure <strong>of</strong>the Fatric Basin passed to transpressive movements after20 Myr. This means that the differential movement <strong>of</strong> rigidindenter, which moves together with the whole kinematicsystem, has to generate a defined finite strain at the sameperiod <strong>of</strong> time. Moreover, the initiation <strong>of</strong> TGSZ activity maycorrespond to a transition from frontal to transpressionalmovements recorded in the northern edge <strong>of</strong> the wholekinematic system. Once this rough timescale is established,then the absolute velocity <strong>of</strong> our indenter should be four timesslower than suggested in the model to generate the observedstrain pattern.5.3. Development <strong>of</strong> Topography, Exhumation, <strong>and</strong>Asymmetry <strong>of</strong> GCF[45] The model allows estimation <strong>of</strong> average verticalstrains <strong>and</strong>, because <strong>of</strong> a fixed lower boundary condition,also the vertical elevation. We can expect that the surfaceelevation represent local topography generated by shortening<strong>of</strong> the viscous sheet. The lateral distribution <strong>of</strong> topographyfollows the exponential distribution <strong>of</strong> finite strain inareas <strong>of</strong> pure shear-dominated deformation. Figure 8dshows the distribution <strong>of</strong> topography in front <strong>of</strong> an indentingblock after 7 Myr <strong>of</strong> shortening. It is to be noted that thedomain <strong>of</strong> highest topography follows the axial zone <strong>of</strong> theGCF, where the degree <strong>of</strong> metamorphism associated withthe development <strong>of</strong> cleavage is most important.[46] Although our model predicts vertical cleavage in theentire domain, we observe that the cleavage forms a positivefan-like structure. We interpret this pattern as a result <strong>of</strong>different amount <strong>of</strong> vertical shortening due to differentgravitational potential across the GCF. This mechanism ismanifested by the development <strong>of</strong> late kink b<strong>and</strong>s with kinkplanes perpendicular or oblique to strongly developed verticalcleavage.Appendix A[47] The equations governing the deformation <strong>of</strong> a thinviscous sheet were published by Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> McKenzie[1982]. We provide here the derivation <strong>of</strong> equations for thesimplest case <strong>of</strong> Newtonian rheology as they have beenused for our modeling. The model assumes a relatively thinviscous plate with no tractions at top <strong>and</strong> bottom surface<strong>and</strong> negligible vertical gradients <strong>of</strong> horizontal velocitycomponents. Creep equation reads@t ij@x j¼ @p@x iðA1Þwhere T is the deviatoric stress tensor <strong>and</strong> p is the pressure,<strong>and</strong> repeated index means summation. Assuming a linearconstitutive relationt ij ¼ 2h_e ijequation (1) can be written as2h @_e ij@x j¼ @p@x i[48] The strain rate tensor <strong>of</strong> the form01_e 11 _e 12 0_E ¼_e 21 _e 22 0BC@A0 0 _e 33ðA2ÞðA3ÞðA4Þis assumed. Then the equation containing the vertical strainrate _e 33 reduces to2h @_e 33@x 3¼ @p@x 3ðA5Þ[49] Integrating the equation over the vertical dimensionx 3 , we obtain2h_e 33 ¼ p þ fðx 1 ; x 2 Þ ðA6Þwhere the upper strike means vertical average. Because <strong>of</strong>the model assumptions we can put f (x 1 ,x 2 ) = 0 everywhere.We substitute from equation (A6) in the first equation (A3)integrated over the vertical dimension <strong>and</strong> obtain2h @ _e 1j@x j¼ @p@x 1¼ 2h @ _e 33@x 1<strong>and</strong> similarly for the second equation. The resulting equationscan be written as@_e ij@x j@_e 33@x i¼ 0 i ¼ 1; 2; j ¼ 1; 2 ðA7Þwhere we omit the signs <strong>of</strong> vertical averaging. Massconservation for incompressible flow requires that_e 33 ¼ ð_e 11 þ _e 22 Þ ðA8Þ98

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