Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...

Quantitative structural analyses and numerical modelling of ...


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HEAT SOURCES AND EXHUMATION MECHANISMS 85Fig. 4. Radiometric map <strong>of</strong> the south-eastern Bohemian Massif with isolines <strong>of</strong> natural air absorbed dose rate (nGy h )1 ). Themain bodies <strong>of</strong> ultrapotassic rocks (durbachite series <strong>and</strong> melasyenitoids sensu Holub, 1997) that show very high radioactivity areidentified by name. The Variscan granites (crosses) <strong>and</strong> HP granulites (dots) are outlined. Source: Czech Geological Survey MapServer, http://www.geology.cz.The most peculiar feature <strong>of</strong> the felsic Moldanubiangranulites is the lack <strong>of</strong> LILE depletion, except for Cs,U <strong>and</strong> Th (Fiala et al., 1987a,b; Janousˇek et al.,2004b). Thus, unlike in many other granulite terranesworldwide (Rudnick & Presper, 1990; Rudnick & Gao,2003), prograde metamorphism appears to have beenlargely isochemical. As shown by Janousˇek et al.(2004b), the composition <strong>of</strong> felsic Moldanubian granulitesmatches well with felsic Ordovician–Silurianmetaigneous rocks from the Saxothuringian domain,for instance orthogneisses <strong>and</strong> meta-rhyolites from theFichtelgebirge. The similarities include whole-rockgeochemistry (excluding the most mobile elements Cs,Rb, Th, U, Pb <strong>and</strong> Li – Fig. 5a), Sr–Nd isotopiccompositions <strong>and</strong> protolith ages <strong>of</strong> c. 480–455 Ma(Siebel et al., 1997; Wieg<strong>and</strong>, 1997), forming animportant maximum within the spectrum <strong>of</strong> inheritedages in the granulites.A good c<strong>and</strong>idate for complementary small-volume,HP–HT (>900 °C) melt that managed to separatefrom the calc-alkaline granulites are the rare hyperpotassicgranulites from Plesˇovice, Blansky´ les Massif(Vra´na, 1989; Janousˇek et al., 2007). These rocks,which are composed essentially <strong>of</strong> K-feldspar, garnet,zircon <strong>and</strong> apatite, show rather extreme geochemicalcompositions (e.g. strong enrichments in Cs, Ba, Rb,U, Th, K, P <strong>and</strong> Zr; Fig. 5b). They yielded U–Pb zirconages <strong>of</strong> 338 ± 1 Ma (Aftalion et al., 1989) <strong>and</strong>337.13 ± 0.37 Ma (Sla´ma et al., 2008), which is closeto the established best estimate <strong>of</strong> the HP metamorphicclimax in the granulite massifs (c. 340 Ma – see above).Moreover, rare coeval glimmerite veins in peridotitefragments enclosed by granulite bodies show highconcentrations <strong>of</strong> LILE, U <strong>and</strong> Th, accompanied bylow Rb ⁄ Cs <strong>and</strong> K ⁄ Rb ratios as well as low HFSEcontents (Fig. 5c); the Sr <strong>and</strong> Nd isotopic compositionsoverlap with the granulites (Becker et al., 1999).The glimmerites were interpreted as having crystallizedfrom an ultrapotassic, F-rich aqueous-carbonic fluid,bearing a direct witness for the HP–HT devolatilization<strong>of</strong> granulite massifs.Viséan (ultra-) potassic magmatism in the Moldanubi<strong>and</strong>omainIn the Moldanubian domain <strong>of</strong> the Bohemian Massif,relatively large volumes <strong>of</strong> (ultra-) potassic plutonicrocks constitute several plutons <strong>and</strong> stocks spatiallyassociated to granitoids <strong>of</strong> the Central Bohemian PlutonicComplex, the Moldanubian Plutonic Complex,Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd187

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